T.C.P.A. Consultancy*

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How we started...

The only real thing that can truly be said about the first project we did, that started in 2011 and ended in 2012, called “The Mirror”, is that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. One fact that nobody can refute is that without having done “The Mirror”, which meant the founder of T.C.P.A. Consultancy exposing his most inner (unconscious) thoughts unscripted and unfiltered while under influence of several drugs that took place on the website (that can be found clicking on the link here under👇) and on three* different social media platforms (Fb, Twitter & LinkedIn).

As one can say, there are many fuck ups to mention about this project (with loss of money, time and even reputation with some people, even (close) friends/family), but this project also became a priceless learning experience that even produced a valuable tool (the 5P-Formule©) that not only T.C.P.A. Consultancy, but everyone on earth, from individuals to organizations can integrate into their systems so that we can improve ourselves and start truly working together to create a planet both we and future generations can be very proud of. Important is that both we and the future generations get the opportunity to collectively enjoy being here shepherding the world and exploring the universe together. Global peace and prosperity for all is only a choice that we collectively still have not chosen for ourselves yet.

In the “Notice”-tab on the website I mention one of those fuck ups, but another one is not anticipating the effect that the relative long period (5 years) of afterwards not being active online on social media would have on networking possibilities in a digital world. I guess the fuck up is not necessarily the time out I took from social media, because how for example posts of mine were deleted without notice and reasoning, and overall the algorithms only pushing controversial posts out to others and then replace/delete others with ads was and still is unacceptable!! I, as a non-techy that couldn’t pay for laywers to go to court, how could I ever defend myself against those scaleups (in this case, fb!)? That anger that I was feeling was not healthy and it was good to go remember how people lived without internet and phones (as living “offline” from social media can actually create that effect in this age). Also, it wasn’t a continuous period of taking psychedelics all the time/daily, but even with second profile people where still associating every posts with psychedelics/tripping or just craziness for some, so the main points of doing the projects where getting trampled by distractions, so an early plug on this is still in hindsight the best.

So at least for me, when I read the pages of www.adviceonspirituality.com they will always feel unfinished to me, but maybe to you they are your first introduction into the concept of ego, or religion or just an expose of “free speech”? Whatever you get from it, even if nothing, do you agree that someone may have the right to put another person in prison for consuming anything that society deemed being illegal to sell/buy/use?

*Edit: 20-6-2020
I saw this tweet from a brother-from-another mother of ours (https://twitter.com/shabir1441/status/1274022603657809920?s=2) and remembered that for (at least my feeling) a brief period of time I also made some video’s on YouTube and that if I’m mentioning LinkedIn as one of the social media platforms than I need to also mention YouTube as the 4th social media channel that I out pieces of “The Mirror-project” on them. Here is the thing, back then I was conscious of the fact that LinkedIn was a platform for professionals, so on there you can say looking back I was (too?) cautious with testing the boundaries of free speech on there. With YouTube, one reason I think that I forgot to mention it is because that platform was eventually the one that gave me the idea to cut this project short as I actually wasn’t initially planning on stopping with this project in 2012. When I got that email from YouTube that they deleted my videos because of changing servers or some bullcrap, I knew coupled with the experience of fb showing that they own your profile/content and there is nothing you as an individual can do to stop them from taking/copying, changing, deleting your own content, and then most importantly earn money by selling your data and even through the data/content you create to other companies and you (we) receive nothing but a “fun or handy” platform to use, I knew I needed to “unplug” from them. Actually a lot of things have happened since 2012 and I’m now comfortable using Twitter and LinkedIn, and there are even up-and-coming social media platforms like Okuna and Entnest. These platforms nowadays, even when you take Pinterest and Snap into account show great potential that we are entering a digital world where there’s going to be different platforms where we can go to do do/learn other things. The only thing that needs to start happening is the cross linkage with each other. It is in the latter scenario where I believe that people will start feeling comfortable with themselves, as themselves with everybody in every daily situation. When this happens I truly believe that for example no artists/celebrities will suffer again from “the 27 year deadly unplugging” as we as a society will have created safe pathways for individual expression that will serve as purpose for individualistic creation or release, but will never result in (unjustified) pain or retaliation from others.