The 5P-Formula© is a tool that functions as a “morality & integrity compass” that is grounded in the belief that you being you, and especially the best you possible, is all the world needs. This you, can be you as an individual or an organization. The 5P-Formula© as a tool gives individuals and organizations a set of principles that they need to adhere to at all times and a 5P-Molecule that functions as a decision making framework.
In essence, the 5P-Formula© is meant to be used by any human being and organization that chooses to be a contributor instead of only a participant (or leech) in our societies. At T.C.P.A. Consultancy we focus on taking the 5P-Formula© into businesses, governments, NGO’s/charitable organizations to improve their physical and metaphysical performance of their organization by giving them a tool to incorporate holistic decision making and actions into the whole organization.
Most, if not all existing management consultancies only work with the physical performance, because that can be more easily measured by for example growth metrics, revenue and/or profit. Metaphysical performance is generally not talked about because it can only be measured in for example units of time being operational healthy, real customer satisfaction and/or societal and planet positive impact. With the 5P-Formula© we created a tool that makes your whole organization become a reliable measurement tool for your metaphysical performance.
While working together we take a holistic view of your whole organization and together see where growth can be had, or profits could be obtained through either for example cuts or additions (of product/service offerings), (re)arrangements, (dis)placements, or any other measures that needs to be taken in/for your organization. Your road to organizational metaphysical profit, we will incorporate in your (new) goals and mission(s). All these process will be guided by our self designed holistic management formula, called “the 5P-Management Principles & Philosophy-Formula©”, composed of a set of Principles, Philosophy & the 5P-Molecule.
In the text below we did put the whole 5P-Management Principles and Philosophy-Formula© for you to read, but as we will also remind you later on, it’s only in text form and compactly given without much more information given, so the legalese here is that T.C.P.A. Consultancy is not liable nor responsible for any negative consequences resulting from your actions coming from your own interpretation while using the 5P-Management Principles and Philosophy-Formula© in your own organization (or your own life) without the proper consultation(s) and/or guidance from T.C.P.A. (5P-Management) Consultancy. You are also prohibited to either privately or publicly say that you are using the 5P-(Management Principles and Philosophy-)Formula© in your organization without the written authorization (or valid licensing-agreement) of T.C.P.A. Consultancy.
The important business notice of T.C.P.A. Consultancy is that currently we are incorporating the 5P-Formula© in a new social-capitalistic venture that is designed to monetize tackling SDG’s and in the process create a (global) organization that prioritizes its stakeholders (team,society,planet) on the same level as its shareholders. Therefor our capacity to help (other) organizations is currently very limited. For more information on the services currently being offered check the bottom of the webpage.
Why the 5P-Formula©?
As it stands for many organizations around our globe, surely all businesses, their main goal/mission is mainly profit in the form of monetary gains on their investments through the sale of (a) product(s)/service(s). For governments and NGO’s/charitable organizations the profits they are looking for cannot only be measured in monetary gains, but whatever their (your = if you’re reading this and you’re a team member in one of those 3 types of organizations) profit seeking metric might be, an unhealthy (and metaphysically unsustainable) organizational structure and/or culture, with or without an unhealthy (internal/external) process (handling mechanisms in place) will be burning and throwing money away and will always fail in the end. In the former case of burning and throwing money away you see this at organizations or businesses with a product/service where their costumers don’t have much other, if any other choice in the product/service choice of need that they provide in the market.
As a business or organization, with for example a monopoly on a product/service in the market they control, be it the local market of (parts of) the global market, the biggest pitfall which one then faces is being ungrateful with ones earnings. This especially happens when they believe that growth cannot happen (organically) anymore. So, prices for products/services increases, costumers then slowly start to get irritated and the vicious cycle towards organizational decline has long been started by then. Or the organization becomes greedy and will start acquiring assets (new companies) just for the sake of fattening the balance sheet. In these instances the new asset cannot act as a free entity that gets the opportunity to keep developing itself and thrive (further) as they are just used as cash cows both for milk and meat.
If you are not in a monopolistic situation or even in a situation where you are confident in the future of your organization, then stagnation or the lack of growth/profit not only works discouraging, but will also lead you to pursuit the “easier” roads towards possible “easy” fast gains. Easier roads are easy, because they are easier to take and mostly require less to no efforts or significant money/time investments to only give you the illusion and make you feel that you are doing something with your money to gain something back. What many leave out is that they are also as easy as buying a lottery ticket and as difficult of obtaining any (significant) gains from them.
Why T.C.P.A. Consultancy?
We are not here to sell you a love story. By helping you become the best possible you, it is you who will show us what your love story is. That is what we are after, not a nice fairytale, the real deal. Are we the type of consultancy that like McKinsey not only identifies your problems but also takes you by the hand in all the handlings and processmanagement required to help solve your problems? No, or at least not yet. To tell you the truth, we are not planning on doing that even when we put this business fully back into the market, because to achieve our goal, you/your organization standing strongly on your own feet is our mission from the moment we shake hands to start the journey of self-improvement together.
How does the 5P-Formula© look like?
The 5P-Management Principles & Philosophy-Formula© is formed by:
The Philosophy
“You being you, and especially the best you possible, is all the World needs.”
(Dutch:) De Filosofie
”Jezelf zijn, in het bijzonder, je beste zelf mogelijk, is alles wat de Wereld nodig heeft”
The Principles*
Love yourself the same way you love others
Love others the same way you love yourself
If you don’t or can’t Love, Respect yourself and others
Love does not come before Respect. Respect comes before Love
Honesty above Cowardice
Respect above Justice
Honesty above Respect, or else it’s not Respect at all
Respect above your Freedom
Honesty above Love
Trust above Respect, or else it’s not Respect at all
Trust First
Honesty above Trust
*These Principles cannot be taken apart and used separately as you please or as it fits you at that moment (because then you will go break one or more of the other principle(s)).
(Dutch:) De Principes*
Houdt van jezelf op dezelfde manier dat je van anderen houdt
Houdt van anderen op dezelfde manier dat je van jezelf houdt
Als je niet Houdt of niet kan houden, heb Respect voor jezelf en anderen
Liefde komt niet voor Respect. Respect komt voor Liefde
Eerlijkheid boven lafhartigheid
Respect boven gerechtigheid
Eerlijkheid boven Respect, anders is het Respect niet
Respect boven jouw Vrijheid
Eerlijkheid boven Liefde
Vertrouwen boven Respect, anders is het Respect niet
Vertrouw Eerst
Eerlijkheid boven Vertrouwen
*Deze Principes kunnen niet van elkaar apart genomen worden en ze apart gebruiken hoe jij denkt dat het moet en voor jou uitkomt op dat moment (omdat dan ga je zeker een of meerdere van de andere principe(s) breken)
About the philosophy
About the principles
It is only later on that the last 2 principles have been added on the website, because unfortunately in the world we live in, other people can (will try to) take advantage of one that adheres to those principles. That is something the founder/Managing Director of T.C.P.A. Consultancy (drs. A.S. (Alvin) Leito, MSc) has learned early on is a consequence when you publicly hold on to these principles. Alvin accepted that there is loss to be had in taking this approach as he realized and experienced that the present and long term benefits far out weight the possible negative outcomes. Because not everyone can live with those outcomes, it is adviced to not try to use these principles with only the thought of thinking that you understand them, especially not if you can tell yourself that you don’t agree with one or more of the principles, because then you’ll start rationalizing and maybe even start exhibiting behavior that is based off false premises, which in the end can cause you more harm than good.
In this blog you can read about the last principle that was added to the list of principes contained in the 5P-Formula©.
So, it is important to understand that you cannot follow and you are not following the 5P-Formula© if you cherry pick the principles you like and you start using them in your daily life (and telling people you adhere to them), but don’t adhere to (some) others. With the principles it is really all or nothing for them to have a positive effect (in your life/organization).
About the 5P-Molecule
For what the 2C and the other 2P’s are you can see the picture below. For how these all work together, we ask you to keep this website and/or www.tcpa5pmanagementconsultancy.com in your bookmarks or subscribe to our newsletter and we will keep you up to date. In the picture here under you can see the 5P-Molecule handwritten by (Alvin) the founder/designer of the formula. Important to know is that, to being able to use this molecule in combination with the Principles and Philosophy, you need to take the correct weighing (ratio) of the pieces in consideration. For what the 2C’s and 2P’s are in the 5P-Molecule, if you cannot read it properly in the picture given below, then send us an e-mail and we’ll tell you if you have it right, or wrong.
As it still stands, this is not the place to explain the whole 5P-Management Principles and Philosophy-Formula© in full and so for information on how all these components in the formula interact with each other, the only thing left to say is that more in-depth information on the 5P-Management Principles & Philosophy-Formula©, and more information about our company in general can be found, as mentioned above, later on at www.tcpa5pmanagementconsultancy.com or www.5pformula.com, and for the time being these websites will just link to this webpage.
To get in contact with us through this website click the contact tab hereunder.

Handwritten sketch of the 5P-Molecule – owner is T.C.P.A. Consultancy

Owner is T.C.P.A. Consultancy

Handwritten idea how to better explain how to be and act “Respectful” – owner is T.C.P.A. Consultancy

Screenshot of tweets from my personal account @AlvinLeito when I got inspired how to better explain the 5P-Molecule.
Under the “SERVICES” tab you can find more information about the available service offerings.
However, T.C.P.A. Consultancy is currently focusing on bringing Tiiendemanns Group (a new social-capitalistic startup) to market and help it realize its goal of materializing its long term plan that starts by bringing a new service and product to market. The service is a (new) product introduction service called Viisiit.® where people get rewarded for their time, attention and (personal) data. The product is a new physical (precious) metal chips, called PreciousChips®, that can be used for playing e.g. poker, black jack and baccarat. More importantly, PreciousChips® can be used as a diversification of ones own portfolio for if e.g. you are in your pension years and your only wealth is stored in the blocks you are living in. PreciousChips® is a product that the company will produce and then promote and sell through Viisiit.® and its own webshop. Because of current times at writing with the pandemic, our plans changed and we will take PreciousChips® to market first and will only do certain activities of Viisiit.®. After the crisis is gone (and assuming the investment has been obtained) we will start with all of the services of Viisiit.®.
The reason T.C.P.A. Consultancy committed itself to this mission is because the 5P-Formula© will become the foundation of the Tiiendemanns Group. Once we can show on a global scale what it means to have a company totally committed to the 5P-Formula© and can show how one needs to function, we will resume our services to the public offering our help and guidance for you to start fully using the 5P-Formula© in your life (and your organization)! For now, our capacity to help (other) organizations is hindered by the founding and further development of the Tiiendemanns Group.
In the future we will build assesment-tools so that we can start licensing the public use of the 5P-Formula© on a larger scale, where organizations around the globe can be certified to publicly announce that they are using and adhering to the 5P-Formula©. Until then for the time being, Alvin, the creator/designer of the 5P-Formula© will work fulltime with the Tiiendemanns Group. In one of our blogs you can find the arrangement T.C.P.A. Consultancy will have with the Tiiendemanns Group once it becomes market operational.
Don’t let this notice discourage you, because if you have any questions about something you have read here on this website, and/or you have an issue/challenge/problem where you do not have anywhere else to turn to; asking us a question is always free! Please feel welcome to send a message through one of the contact forms on this website or email (found in the contact page on this website).
Chamber of Commerce / KVK # 53858018
Can you donate to a good cause, to help with the funding for a new social-capitalistic startup helping to create a much better world for the collective?
Via Bank Transfer:
T.C.P.A. Consultancy
Bielsenstraat 12
2316 KA Leiden
ABN IBAN: NL16 ABNA 0587264365
Contact: Alvin Leito
You can also donate in Bitcoin, Ethereum, DigiByte, USDCoin, Komodo, Doge, Reddcoin or XRP.
At this moment publicly the startup can only work on its immaterial goals, with funding (or of course with a big donation) we can also publicly start executing on our material goals.
If you want more information first, just send a message or e-mail!
Donate Bitcoin (BTC) to this address:
Donate Ethereum (ETH) to this address:
To donate DigiByte (DGB), use this address:
To donate Komodo (KMD), use this address:
Donate USD Coin (USDC) to this address:
To donate Ripple (XRP), use this address:
To donate DOGE (DOGE), use this address:
To donate Reddcoin (RDD), use this address:
All donations will go towards the realisation of the 1001 Year Plan. Starting with the incorporation of Tiiendemanns Group (TDG) and the launch of the sustainability ecosystem called Viisiit.®, which has a service where Viisiitors collect reusable or recyclable materials from the homes and/or offices of our members, for which they get rewarded with ViisiitCoins. Members who participate in product introduction of sustainable products, services or experiences will also be rewarded with ViisiitCoins. Once established in the global market Viisiit.® will reward its members with a security-token that gives each member the chance to exchange security tokens for common share-certificates of the mother-company of Viisiit.®.
For inquiries about ownership of shares(certificates) in this new startup, you can mail directly to startup@tcpaconsultancy.com. Be aware a donation does not give you right to any share ownership, send an e-mail if you want to become an investor in Tiiendemanns Group.
See post for more info: https://www.tcpaconsultancy.com/blog/not-a-blog-last-announcement-for-these-blogposts-and-website