About the T.C.P.A. Family
ACTIIVIITYS is the company in charge of the front-end and back-end business handlings of what used to be the business-handlings of both T.C.P.A. 5P-Management Consultancy and T.C.P.A. Guidance Center., so they can concentrate on their core endeavors that has been infused in the idea and vision that has been called the 1001 Year Plan.
As you can also read on the bottom of the home page of this website, ACTIIVIITYS is on an effort to help put a new startup/scaleup f.t. on the market. Having said that, if you by any chance have the means or you know of someone who can put substantial amount of money and/or resources in building and maintaining a sustainable (for-profit) global ecosystem (called Viisiit.®) designed to operate within a global circular economy, wherein the secondary raw material market will be significantly bigger than the primary raw material market.
The founder/managing director of ACTIIVIITYS has long hair/long nails, even though he’s conscious of the fact that it goes against many (global) business norms (for men).
He started the companies because he saw/discovered that many norms people have are the main contributors of the problems plagueing many businesses and economies, in general.
Not processes, something many, if not most, advisors and consultants mainly focus on when trying to help businesses and (non-profit/public) organizations. Because, taking the problem by it’s horns is a difficult task that not many want to dirty their hands on. Not even taking into account the countless many that don’t even know how to or where to start looking for the problems in businesses/organizations that is not linked to processes in general.
Sure (process)management methods/guides like PMP, Lean (both Toyota/Ries-model) or Six Sigma can and do help your organization achieve efficiencies in your business/processhandlings, and as ACTIIVIITYS we also use the lessons and methods of for example the latter two for our processguiding, however, an organization is (much) more than only the sum of all its processes.
Taking a holistic view of a company or organization, is truly looking past processes and into all the hearts that (can) touch it.
The 5P-Formula, a copyrighted proprietary in-house designed and developed personal and business management guide, is build to not only do what’s last mentioned, but also to tackle problems holistically head-on, because in the solution of your problems lies the pot of gold. And in this ever-connected World, everyone benefits if you find your pot of gold.
Alvin started the companies in 2011, with a background in Social and Organizational Psychology (MSc) and a Masters in Public Administration, specialized in Management of the public sector, both degrees obtained at the Leiden University in the Netherlands and a (heavy) bag of experience that started accumulating when he was a teenager by doing community work in several groups and organizations in his birthland and some organizational work for different types of organizations, during his studying years in his motherland. Alvin works with the simple (but audacious) goal of making the World a much better place, guided by the simple proverb “If you want to make the World (a) better (place), start with yourself”.
And, on a personal note, that’s how I, Alvin, came with now having long nails, hair and beard, because for example with my nails, once I realized that I needed to change biting them and as a testament of achieving this to let them grow, once they actually started growing where I could actually put them often to practical use, a world opened for me. Once they became even longer, and after some years, harder and stronger, they became my natural tools. I truly cannot see me parting with them. I even wrote a blog about this 🙂
And so there are many things I do now in my life, as a habit, or some even as something that I struggle with how to actually make a (convenient) habit, but I have learned through (self)experimentation that it’s good (for at least my body/life) that I create a behavioral habit that starts to mimic a natural habit, and in time becomes part of my life.
Funny how this made me start loving vegetables and now I can eat most of them even raw and/or hard cooked, and I actually enjoy the taste of most. Raw onions, still not my friend.
It’s in this journey for (self)betterment that first the Peace and Prosperity-Equation got thought around 2013, and about a year later the more concrete and practical equation started forming and became what now is the 5P-Management Philosophy. which the simplest way to explain it is that it is a personal and business management guide that is designed to help you become the best possible you.
If you are a small company and you think that you won’t/can’t or even will never be (seriously) affected and/or be able to ever profit from the ever connecting World, we are here to tell you that you have it wrong.
And if you are from a big corporation thinking that your job is safe for at least a couple of decades to come, you are probably wrong too.
There aren’t many corporations in existence that are century-proof, let alone millennia-proof, even though they created (or bought the) infrastructure that should make them century- or millennia-proof.
The 5P-Management Principles and Philosophy-formula© is designed to shine light on your weaknesses and to use your strenghts to put your business/organization on the path to longevity.
Both the Peace and Prosperity-Equation© and the 5P-Management Principles and Philosophy-formula© are copyright protected, which rights are under management by ACTIIVIITYS.
Under the 5P-Formula© tab we have put the Principles, the Philosophy and the Molecule in words for you to see. Be adviced that those pages are not written with the intention to explain everything in great detail. The intention is to one day make time to make the information accessible to a broader crowd, for now the focus is on building the sustainability ecosystem called Viisiit.®.
Also be warned that once the whole picture gets clearer, the 5P-Formula© does the rest, but cherry picking from it can do more harm than good (to e.g. your “personal brand” or your whole business/organization.
That’s the reason the decision was made to at least make the formula and equation public on this website and in the mean time, pass the information on their inner workings only through direct communication, and when the new company is build and up and running you could even witness how it should work in organizations that take it seriously, as the new company who shares the same founder, become the show case of the 5P-Management Principles and Philosophy-Formula© working for an organization from its inception.
If there is a chance to accommodate a private consultation, you will/could even notice that most of the time during the consultations, answers cannot always be given directly, but your answers to questions shines light on the hidden blockades or pathways to growth and/or profit in your organization.
Together shall be discussed then the next course of actions that eventually can be taken. But it cannot be stressed enough; it all starts with you.
The 5P-Management Principles and Philosophy-formula© works for every organization (even for individuals), dependent on when one adheres to the whole 5P-Formula©. Just like the books to come, what is not in its final state in the formula is the ability to be able to predict up front if the formula will work for your business/organization. We don’t have a questionnaire of some sort to beforehand be able to predict if you and/or your business/organization will be able to adhere to the whole 5P-Formula. Because adhering to the whole formula is very difficult and because of that this assessment can, at the moment, only be obtained through the literal physical consultations by our (senior) consultant.
Seeing the 5P-Formula be broadly adapted means that we’re then living in a World where pricing and profit are not something one needs to worry about, whereas a 100% free, open, honest and fair market will balance itself out in a win-win situation for all participants.
This new (global) community and market will relieve itself from excesses without causing damaging waste that (in)directly damages our Planet for all its inhabitants.
As there won’t be a FAQ on this website for the time being, if you’re wondering, why not make it “open source” if it could help everyone? Because the formula is dependent and vulnerable towards (human) intentions. Something only trained eyes can pick up when there’s in-congruencies between for example, stated (intended) behavior and actual behavior.
More information about the founder of ACTIIVIITYS can be found at or click here to go directly to the personal webpage of Alvin.
“*T.C.P.A. Consultancy is the pass-through company of Alvin Leito, and under this website, besides information about the formulas, not only can you find his online bio, but also several other landing pages for Tiiendemanns Group and its products and services.”