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My thoughts & ideas

Pioneering Tiiendemanns Group Towards Social-Capitalism: My Vision for Stakeholder-Centric Companies

If you understand the way globalist entrepreneurs like Zuckerberg, Bezos, the Alphabet bro’s, etc have kept large part, if not all, of the end-responsibility in the management of their capitalistic shareholders-centric companies, you would more easily understand the way I am going to run my social-capitalistic stakeholders-centric companies, once they become incorporated.  Seeing that the …

Pioneering Tiiendemanns Group Towards Social-Capitalism: My Vision for Stakeholder-Centric Companies Read More »

Polygamy: A case for personal freedom, environmental sustainability, and family values

Polygamy, or the practice of having multiple spouses, has been a topic of debate for decades. While it is currently illegal in many countries, there are compelling arguments for why it should be legalized, not just on the basis of personal freedom and liberty, but also as a means of combating climate change. Firstly, the …

Polygamy: A case for personal freedom, environmental sustainability, and family values Read More »

AI Love: How a Non-Tech Founder Fell Head Over Heels for the Future of Everything

For the ones who do not yet know this about me, I am the founder of a tech startup. When I introduce this to people or potential investors I do not immediately call it a tech startup, I say that we are building a sustainability ecosystem. And if they show interest to hear more I …

AI Love: How a Non-Tech Founder Fell Head Over Heels for the Future of Everything Read More »

First blog on new website – general update and tribute to Queen Elizabeth II

In my last blog (https://www.tcpaconsultancy.weebly.com/blog/the-last-blog-on-this-website-a-blog-about-things-happening-now-around-the-world-and-in-my-personal-life) I said that I met an Indian team who will create a new website for me where I have more control and can add for example video’s, but more importantly with a blog page that gives a better overview of all the blogs. As I’m writing this announcement on the …

First blog on new website – general update and tribute to Queen Elizabeth II Read More »

The last blog on [the old] website – a blog about things happening now around the world and in my personal life

First of all, for the people who don’t yet personally know me, to me business is personal and cannot be detached from my personal life, because it is my personal life. Many people can disassociate themselves from their work life because they work to get a paycheck and if the working relationship ends, it won’t …

The last blog on [the old] website – a blog about things happening now around the world and in my personal life Read More »

Why I needed to add a 12th principle to the set of principles in the 5P-Formula

The previous set of principles contained in the 5P-Formula looked like this: The Principles* Love yourself the same way you Love othersLove others the same way you Love yourselfIf you don’t or can’t Love, Respect yourself and othersLove does not come before Respect. Respect comes before Love​Honesty above CowardiceRespect above JusticeHonesty above Respect, or else …

Why I needed to add a 12th principle to the set of principles in the 5P-Formula Read More »

Ecological Sustainability and Social Sustainability

Ecological Sustainability and Social Sustainability are mutually exclusive concepts because a product, service, experience and even you as an individual or organizations as a collective can act and be functioning ecologically sustainable, but not (fully) social sustainable, or vice versa, or you can be functioning both (fully) ecologically and socially sustainable, or not be functioning …

Ecological Sustainability and Social Sustainability Read More »

My (social) rights and chosen social responsibilities as an (activist) ecopreneur

Before I get to my chosen social responsibilities , I think it’s important for you to know that I believe the essence of what differentiates us, modern humans, with the humans living in the middle ages is the social rights and responsibilities modern democratic western civilizations brought into our lives. Before this, and something many …

My (social) rights and chosen social responsibilities as an (activist) ecopreneur Read More »