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First blog on new website – general update and tribute to Queen Elizabeth II

In my last blog (https://www.tcpaconsultancy.weebly.com/blog/the-last-blog-on-this-website-a-blog-about-things-happening-now-around-the-world-and-in-my-personal-life) I said that I met an Indian team who will create a new website for me where I have more control and can add for example video’s, but more importantly with a blog page that gives a better overview of all the blogs. As I’m writing this announcement on the newly stand-alone WordPress website designed/developed by Cyberx Info System, it means that it has been officially published.

Regarding the general update; on a personal level I can’t complain too much seeing that I’m healthy and still a large amount of people cannot say the same all around the world, while big groups of people are still innocently being killed or seriously injured because of human greed and/or hunger for (more) power. On a business level I have much more to complain, but still taking into account all the other problems, I prefer not to complain and focus on resolving my problems on my own, with at this moment are mostly problems concerning finance.

I fight the good fight with the resources I have and for now I’m focusing on putting a new carbon neutral card game with its respective card decks on the market, called Dutch Joker Poker. As soon as I find someone who can make a good quality promotional video, suitable for Kickstarter, fitting my budget, Anouk (Fieten; a professional copywriter who’s helping me out) can start with the social media promotional campaigns for the Kickstarter crowdfunding and I can start focusing on the offline promotion of the Kickstarter campaign, that I want to do through a pre-launch of Viisiit..

If you’re interested in a sneak peak of the website of Dutch Joker Poker that Matthijs (Lutter; the designer of the DJP cards) is making, you can check the follow link: www.dutchjokerpoker.com. If you’re really curious and don’t dare to ask me for the password, then a hint: it shouldn’t take you more than 3 tries.

Regarding my tribute to Queen Elizabeth II, as you may know, 4 days ago, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of the UK and (Head of) the Commonwealth passed away. This new development might not mean much to the majority of the people living on the planet, but I’m convinced future generations will look back at this period wherein she became Queen and when Charles became King as the time the global community realised that we have only one planet and we better seriously start taking much better care of it.

As a Monarchist I accept that in a constitutional (parliamentary) monarchy it’s not the responsibility of the sovereign to “make things happen and to resolve problems” in their countries, because that’s the job of Ministers forming Cabinets controlled by Parliaments. The job and responsibility of the sovereign is to essentially make sure the law-of-the-land is lawfully created, respected and upheld by everyone, including the Crown the sovereign represents.

Monarchies are strong political vehicles because when good/great families in control of the Crown achieve to eradicate corruption in their households and the organization behind the Crown, populists find it hard to take control of governments and politicians in general become more focused on resolving (social) problems together, instead of playing the political game of “character murders” to position oneself as “the chosen one who will resolve all problems”.

Properly functioning monarchies give a society the hope of longevity, and the strive for a prosperous, cohesive and civilised society. I’ve said this before on twitter and I’m saying this again, Queen Elizabeth is the person not only from our generation, but probably also in all our collective history, who embodied the principle of being sovereign the best humanly possible. All current and future sovereigns can only hope to get as good as her, and for them to be able to keep the peace within their realms and the global society as best, same way as Queen Elizabeth II thought she could legally do without breaking her constitutional duties or abusing her privileges.

Her passing saddens me, but I take strength in my confidence that she was content with her life, was missing her husband dearly, while being convinced that the Crown will stay in good hands for centuries, and hopefully even millennia to come. What saddens me more are the social media posts making jokes at the expense of her passing, and even going so far as falsely calling her racist or a coloniser. Again, I take strength in the knowledge that history is on her side, and that we as a collective have all the chance to make our global society even more cohesive and function better with each other and with nature on this planet, thanks among other for the work Queen Elizabeth has been doing for decades before I was even born.

I want to end this tribute to Queen Elizabeth II with a public confession that I truly loved that person very much. Not just for what she stood for, but for the person she was and for the person she strived to be for herself, her family and the people she represented. I’m cautious to say these things publicly because of how others might perceive them or try to use these things I say against me in the future. I’ve never met her personally, so I know that for a lot of people it sounds weird that I would say that I loved her, but I can’t help to feel that the respect I have for her transcends into love. 

One thing that I’m at least glad that it’s a fact, is that I’ve been able to thank her and tell her that I love her personally in a letter that I wrote to her a few months ago, to which I received a thank you letter on behalf of her beginning of this year. Same as all my other (private/personal) communications I have with any other person, what I personally told them and the contents of their eventual reply is private. Seeing that we’re apparently living in a period wherein disinformation runs rampant and people became more distrusting of others, I’m posting here a picture of the enveloppe and letter I received from her office. 

The letter I wrote to her, even if I wanted to, I can’t publicise because I don’t have a copy of it stored. Personal (handwritten) letters I never store and if I make a draft before writing a letter, I eventually throw the draft away in recycle bins. 

I thought that we would all have the honour of being able to enjoy her work and presence, even from a distance, for at least a decade more. Time proved me wrong here, but in this case, it’s okay, because she was loved and admired by a lot of people all around the world, and she passed away knowing that. Of that I have no doubt. 

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