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Full mission statement of the Tiiendemanns Group. It must be obvious why T.C.P.A. Consultancy approves of this mission.

The eternal two main missions of the Tiiendemanns Group are;

To connect with the real you & Peace and Prosperity for all.

Being a team member of the Tiiendemanns Group means:
We don’t work for ourselves. We work for our collective children around our world. So, we’ll work hard and we’ll complain only to improve ourselves and others. We’ll need to work hard, because all children anywhere in the world need a safe and (biodiverse rich) world, and the collective grownups are taking the world in the other direction of an unjust and empty world full of only man made things.

((Respect > Freedom) >= (Peace > Prosperity))

That is the Peace and Prosperity Equation©
That is a philosophical doctrine on how to achieve and keep global Peace and Prosperity, an equation designed by the Founder of the Tiiendemanns Group to which all companies in the Tiiendemanns Group needs to uphold.

Each team member has the freedom to do whatever they like in their own lives, but working for and representing one of the companies in the Tiiendemanns Group means not letting the company break this doctrine.

As a company, we can only directly contribute on seeing that the things being made, only in turn, contribute to the first two points mentioned in the second paragraph here above, that being, for a safe and ecologically sound world. Indirectly, we can contribute by making sure our actions help reverse the trend of unjust-fullness and social- & biodiversity degeneration.

Safe is for us not a code word for Peace, but without Peace there can’t be safety. Just like it’s our company’s believe that without global Prosperity there can’t be (lasting) Peace.

Achieving global Peace should not only be a collective goal, but also needs to be a perpetual human endeavor, because when we get it, we could also lose it.

The answer to why a company chose as it’s external mission global Peace and Prosperity?

Because, Peace thus equals eventual (global) Prosperity and safety to conduct business all around our world, which in turn will make all our stakeholders and shareholders very very happy.

But that does also mean that our stakeholders and shareholders can’t ever truly be happy before world Peace is achieved and our shareholders and stakeholders will lose that happiness all over again, if world Peace is lost again.

Achieving Peace does not equal banishing all pain and suffering. Even in a Peaceful world natural catastrophes could still occur, because (natural) tragedies are a part of life, just like breathing is.

Fact is, that we all can work together to not only make them scarce around our globe, by for example, not being the ones starting them, but also to work together to help each other lessen the pains when one does happen. With our collective minds and hands put together, there won’t be much we can’t achieve.

Our internal mission “connecting with the real you” can be simply explained. We don’t dislike technology, it’s definitely handy and makes life easier, but we do like you better and most importantly, we don’t want to get to know you through the devices you use.

We want to get to know the real you, without a digital lens between us and we want to connect with the real you. Our services and products are there to serve your needs, either for your business(es), the places you call home, for your private life or pleasure.

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