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Fundamental human right

The fear of change is something many politicians have used for centuries to their advantage, because that is the easiest way to influence the mass… Insert fear into peoples lives and you have their attention. Especially so when you are the only one that can and will save them… Yes, we can. Yes, we can. Yes, we can.. Any slogan or creed where the “we” is only meant for the national citizens/interests is doomed to fail the test of time.

Since I’ve understood that Obama just did this but in practice was behaving quite conservatively and protective of the status quo of the US national interests that is keeping the growing global problem of wealth- and income inequality in place, my trust in politics being the arena where I myself need to grow in cracked, and thus made me become a social capitalistic omnipreneur after finishing my studies. Building for-profit organizations that only need to protect shareholders interests is one of the most ludicrous human policies we’ve created here on this planet. All organizations make money because they need other humans and the resources our planet gives us to use to being able to make a sale in whatever. Even to do a service you need resources of our planet to fulfill your contractual duties. Making all organizations take this fact into consideration in every decision making is where you need to start if you want to save our planet.

We simply cannot close (all) oil companies because we realistically/practically still need them, but we can make them start working for and with our planet and for us, the collective, instead of only for their shareholders. For any young people living anywhere in the world, let your voices be heard in every election! If you’re for example a teenager that really want to vote and can’t vote because the law forbids you to, know that this is only a legal age discrimination put in place by “adults” and you shouldn’t accept this! You may not vote now, but no law can prohibit you of contacting the ones that are representing you in your councils/parliaments! Write them, call them, go pay them unannounced visits and (respectfully and peacefully) demand them to fight for you so that you and every other teenager that wants to go vote can do this in the next and every other election!

When I talk about Obama now it mostly isn’t that positive, because I feel that I need to be critical of him. If I ever meet him in person, I couldn’t be all ass kissing with him, because I really can’t be like that with him, or anyone in particular, when I first have things to clear that I feel about them. I respect the person that he is, I even absolutely love him, but from what I know about him and still see him talk/give speeches, I still see the arrogance and self indulgence, with no ownership of his failings, coming out of his mouth, so with someone like that I just can’t go be feeding the ego to get it any more bigger. The thing with Obama is that he seem to show that he has an inner compass that he adheres to. If you compare that with Trump, he publicly tells people that he doesn’t believe in moral compasses, as the only thing he believes in is his personal win at all cost. For centuries people have become so ego driven that they get blinded on the fact that nobody wins at all costs and never will. That is a fundamental universal truth that manifests itself in everything. That is why I keep saying that the only person in the coming US election that I say can put Trump in check by showing his lack of moral compass in debates on national television is Bernie Sanders*.

The younger generation is growing up with access to knowledge and a hunger to consume this knowledge on a level not yet seen/experienced on earth. It is time for the older generation to start realizing this and combine the worldly experience that only time can give them/us to create a much stronger collective global team here on this planet. Pointing fingers, throwing blame around doesn’t help anyone, and more importantly doesn’t help our planet, it only polarizes societies in a time where we should be uniting.

I also believe that someone like Trump can still change. I’ve got convinced of this when I saw the Netflix film of an artistic recreation of why Pope Benedictus, 16th decided to “renounce his throne”, called “the two popes” (unpaid advertising, because the film is really good!). Only, for someone with the ego of Trump, only a big collective signal and a resounding “no” to his way of life and thinking can maybe stand still and face the fact that we as sisters and brothers of this planet don’t need to be afraid of each other. We will only win as a collective when we start helping each other, not only “our friends and families”.

#GoVote, always.


*Edit on 31-05-2020: Seeing the current protests in the US and that Bernie Sanders has given Joe Biden a free pathway towards being the one beating Donald Trump in the US election coming November, I feel obliged to edit this blogposts with my most current thoughts on what I’ve said here. Today I still believe that Bernie Sanders is presently the only politician in the US that can stand firmly in a debate and after the first debate it must be clear to the doubters, between Sanders and Trump who needs to win. My fear still today, after seeing how Biden is only riding the social media popularity wave with hollow “Obama-words” to condemn the obvious mess of the coronavirus situation that Trump made (both in the US and in some other parts in the world where other world leaders believed Trump’s words against for example the WHO or other world leaders that did take the threat of the virus much more serious), with not mentioning any fundamental changes he would bring to a healthcare system that enslaves people to predatory debt, not enough US citizens will be motivated to go rain, snow or sunshine to go vote for him, like the US citizens that really want to see a 2nd (and more) “Trump-dynasty” Presidency.

Even with Obamacare in place without the GOP interventions you can see how the insurance companies could still find loopholes to not having to pay out for coronavirus related illnesses or even death by just not acknowledging the coronavirus. It is ludicrous to say that only Trump wants to test as few people as possible, because how the US health care system is now set up the insurance companies have also a lot to gain with the status quo by not recognizing a lot of the coronavirus related illnesses or deaths. When you add up now all the people that lost their jobs (that come with their “good” healthcare insurances) and a pandemic going on with a government pushing for economic growth against human health, one can only hope that Biden dares to take bold policies going forward and really starts embracing policies that shifts power (money) back to the people and not only to the special few in power. I believe that in the US the Presidential debates significantly define the outcome, and I also believe that both Trump and Biden knows this so they both would be perfectly fine to do only one or two (or none at all*), and afterwards just take the results of the “toss up”, which will be the case if (again) from the debate(s) no clear winner can be elected. So it is to be seen what these current leaders of the free world will decide to go do, and if afterwards I can go sleep November 3rd with a good feeling that the US citizens will show the world that they are a society that can vote to show that respect (and love) for others trumps fear (and hate) for others.

*Edit for an FYI on 19-06-20: I learned today that there is a Commission on Presidential debates in the US that sets the dates, times and places of the debates together with the candidates and it seems that before writing previous edit, both Biden and Trump already agreed on doing 3 debates. From this article (http://www.marketwatch.com/story/trump-campaign-team-seeks-fourth-debate-with-biden-2020-06-18) it seems indeed that in December even no debates was put on the table, but eventually the candidates settled on 3 already, so you see, sometimes people can positively surprise you!

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