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How to achieve greatness for the whole planet? (Short Blog)

Seeing how the word “great” has been completely raped from its original context by groups of people that only wanted to enrich themselves, not only on the backs of the majority of the people in the world, but also by destroying our planet and making much more plants and animals that we are sharing this planet with go extinct.

For this I want to give another perspective on the meaning of greatness, and more especially what it practically would mean for every human being, animal and plant species to experience greatness for all on this planet.  

​For most parts in the world we can feel that there is only 24 hours in a day, as biological beings we need to sleep to not destroy and/or repair our bodies, and only a finite amount of people that can create greatness in the world on any given day.

One needs to actively choose for greatness, accept that what in essence is greatness is always subjective on an individual level, and collectively we will know when we have achieved greatness, as then there cannot be any denial.

With honesty you conquer your fears, with resilience you can overcome all obstacles and together we can achieve greatness that generations to come will get to experience and pass on to the next generations living all on a healthy, hospitable, regenerative and (bio)diverse planet.

Achieving greatness is an all or nothing game, can’t have it any other way. 

Just like with Peace and Prosperity for all, going for greatness for all is a choice that we collectively haven’t made yet, and without Peace and Prosperity for all it will never be achieved.

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