The Life-Formula© and the You & Life-Formula©
*T.C.P.A. Consultancy is the pass-through company of the creator of these formulas, Alvin Leito, and under this website not only you can find his online bio, but also several other landing pages for Tiiendemanns Group and its products and services.
Disclaimer: The formulas are protected under a creative commons license to protect people/businesses from wanting to profit from them. They also complement the 5P-Formula© and the Peace and Prosperity-Equation© in a way so perfectly that for now only their raw form and the blogs written about them is enough material to make public. Eventual further work on them and/or this page will need to come at least after the incorporation of the Tiiendemanns Group.

The Life-Formula and the You and Life-Formula are protected by a creative commons license