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Partnership between T.C.P.A. Consultancy and the Tiiendemanns Group

DISCLAIMER: As explained in the last section of the blog (https://www.tcpaconsultancy.com/blog/the-1001-year-plan), this blog contains outdated information about the partnership between my pass-through company (T.C.P.A. Consultancy) and Tiiendemanns Group. I’ve decided to leave it online, while adding this disclaimer because it belongs as part of my journey building this social-capitalistic company!

This partnership has been already announced on the website of T.C.P.A. Consultancy and given as a whole on the one of the Tiiendemanns Group (www.tiiendemanns.com). To declutter the websites I decided to take this off from there and put in a blog so that it can get archived best.

The partnership agreement between T.C.P.A. Consultancy and the Tiiendemanns Group;
Tiiendemanns Group buys a lifetime licensing agreement from T.C.P.A. Consultancy, for the use, even in eventual promotional materials from either Tiiendemanns Holding B.V., or one of its subsidiaries, of the Peace and Prosperity-Equation© and the 5P-Management Principles and Philosophy-Formula©, with the exception that if the formulas are used in promotional materials, then that entitity in the Tiiendemanns Group needs a formal permission from T.C.P.A. Consultancy to use the ad, before it can be made public.

Besides this licensing agreement, Tiiendemanns Group also agrees to buy the time of the owner of T.C.P.A. Consultancy for him to take the role as the first 9-Star Viisiitor, for a minimum of 60 hours per week to a maximum of 100 hours per week, and for every hour in the week that surpasses that maximum, Tiiendemanns Group will owe T.C.P.A. Consultancy for those hours the normal consultancy rate of T.C.P.A. Consultancy, excluding BTW, paid in common share certificates in Tiiendemanns Holding B.V. obtained from the reserved 50 million common shares of the Tiiendemanns Group Salary fund, under management of the Tiiendemanns Group Trust. Agreed is that for the (non)-executive board seats taken and for managing the entities according to the 5P-Formula© doctrine, this work is unsalaried, with only Common & Class A sharecertificates and ViisiitCoins bonus schemes as compensation packages.

For the licensing agreement in perpetuity and the reserved hours of minimum 3.120 hours to 5.200 hours per year, including vacation days, with this last minimum salary and hourly rate agreement lasting until the end of the “15 Year Plan; of the grander 1001 Year Plan”, of which at the start of the “50 Year Plan; of the grander 1001 Year Plan”, the Tiiendemanns Group and T.C.P.A. Consultancy will need to either adjust the hours and/or salary and/or billing amount;

For this in perpetuity deal, T.C.P.A. Consultancy receives 5% of the Common Shares (700 million) in Tiiendemanns Holding B.V., in share certificates held under management by the Tiiendemanns Group Trust. The first batch (140 million common shares) will fully vest in 15 years and the last batch in 75 years. The payment of these shares to Tiiendemanns Holding with a starting value of € 7.000.000,- will be the responsibility of Hiinderloopn Ventures B.V., the “working horse” company in the Tiiendemanns Group, and in return Tiiendemanns Holding will invest at least 90% back in projects run by Hiinderloopn Ventures.

T.C.P.A. Consultancy and Hiinderloopn Ventures B.V. also agree to exchange in 15 years, when the first batch of shares vests for T.C.P.A. Consultancy, 100 million common shares for 1.333.333.333 ViisiitCoins. The ViisiitCoins will sit in a locked escrow account until they can be exchanged with the shares.

Lastly, in the first phase of the start of the Tiiendemanns Group, all entities within the group, excluding the separate projects; products/services under Hiinderloopn Ventures, will use the infrastructure, like website, office supplies, bookkeeping, accountants, etc of T.C.P.A. Consultancy. Agreed is that the costs including 4% yearly rent, will be paid in full when the books of Tiiendemanns Group can afford it best, with the rent eligible to be paid in common sharecertificates at the initial statutory price.

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