The Peace and Prosperity-Equation© is a philosophical tool to use as guide in our lives so that we can achieve that point in life where we can proudly say we are living in a world where the feeling of having Peace and Prosperity is something being felt by every single human being that actively decided to contribute to this collective lifestyle choice.
The Peace and Prosperity-Equation©**
( (Respect ≥ Freedom) ≥ (Peace ≥ Prosperity) )
*T.C.P.A. Consultancy is the pass-through company of the creator of these formulas, Alvin Leito, and under this website, besides information about the formulas, not only can you find his online bio, but also several other landing pages for Tiiendemanns Group and its products and services.

**Still using the copyright logo throughout the website and public outings because there is still no shortcut for the creative commons icon as keyboard code. More info on the creative commons rights and obligations can be found at.
At T.C.P.A. Guidance Center. it revolves all about you and the question – how can we get you (the body) to become the best (healthy) you. Healthy not only in body, but also in mind and soul!
Talking about healthy body and mind for many is easy, because it’s something you can (almost) see, feel, experience for yourself and in a way, be the judge for yourself if you or somebody else has a healthy body and mind. Eventhough, not many realizes that trying to be judges of another person body and mind is almost impossible without being in the body yourself, because in that moment of judgement, is everything really the way that it seems, or are you experiencing that moment only how that other person is making you experience it, without you knowing their (true) intentions, or are you judging “being healthy” just with your own personal knowledge of how “healthy” looks like?
Is judging someone without having (additional) knowledge about that person even healthy? If you only judge obese person in your mind and don’t tell anyone else, so you can’t hurt anyone with your thoughts or opinios. Aren’t you still hurting yourself, though? Aren’t you filling your mind with unhealthy, judgmental thoughts about somebody else? Does that even physically matter for you?
Here is the place that you will hear that all of that does matter for your body. Those thoughts do create physical connections in your brain/mind that do negatively weigh you down. Can we prove it? Sure, with a longitudinal, multicultural and both with introspective and subjective/objective testing/inqueries, researchers could someday prove that your thoughts do matter and/or have effect on your physical and mental well-being. Such studies thus are difficult to arrange, just because they would cost too much money to do, not counting that even then, you’ll mostly be at the mercy of your test subjects being honest with themselves, to put their negative thoughts down, something not many people dare to do. So, they are difficult, but not impossible.
And that’s just the difficulty of studying the mind (without just measuring our (brain)energy output). What about our soul? Something not even many people believe it exists. For me, if you’re a religous or spiritual person, it would be a no-brainer to believe that we have a soul and/or are collectively connected to one and the same. But what I can’t understand is why atheist and the agnostics/in-betweeners mostly don’t believe in a collective soul, seeing that most atheist/agnostics do believe in the Big Bang and the evolution theory, meaning that they do believe that all matter, thus even us, came to life/reality at the same time and even all life on Earth started from one single celled organism and evolved from that.
So, if our soul is just the energy that gave us life and we all came from that single celled organism, we all living on this planet came from that same energy source, carrying that same energetic spark that gave life to our single celled ancestor. Without that link we now couldn’t and can’t be alive. That collective energy is what I call our soul and yes, I believe that everyone has a part in either making and keeping our soul unhealthy or healthy. It’s a choice that every single one of us needs to make for themselves, but which (personal) outcome/decision has an effect on all of us.
T.C.P.A. Guidance Center. has not the objective to convince anyone of anything. We are in the business of sharing, not convincing. It’s not a very lucrative business, especially, if the only thing you have to share/sell are your thoughts, but it’s an important business, because if our mission is a success, the only outcome possible is Peace (of mind for all, which will translate in Peace in our soul for all, which will in turn translate into real Peace on Earth) and only then, true Prosperity for all on Earth shall be possible. Without Peace there can’t be Prosperity, but without Prosperity Peace won’t last.
So, how do we then get to Peace?
Through, Respect for all and Freedom for all.
Easier said that done. But this equation is what we should be striving for on Earth:
( (Respect ≥ Freedom) ≥ (Peace ≥ Prosperity) )
Any thoughts you might have or any decision you may/are (be) taking affects not only you, but us as a collective. The hypothesis is that knowing this formula, will put you on the path to Peace and Prosperity, by making you take the right choices that not only benefits yourself, but our (global) collective. You being healthy is of the outmost importance for this equation to come true. Healthy in mind, body and soul. Both Professor Hawkins as Ozzy Osbourne showed us that you don’t need all three to be a functional individual (in the general use of the word functional) in our global society. Last part with Ozzy obviously a try at a joke, with maybe a hint of truth? ;). Point is that, even as an individual living with a chronic illness you can strive to live a healthy life by not making your illness the center of your life.
How do we get there, to reach global Peace and Prosperity?
If you know this, please let us know. Being serious now, because if global Peace and Prosperity is dependent on your health and you being healthy, then we don’t have the immediate answer to how to do that for everybody. We now can only talk in generalities and collective issues and problems that should get tackled to get the job done. But if you tell us how you believe that it works for you, then we could give you our thoughts on that. And so, together we could work to share this knowledge to everyone else.
In the mean time, T.C.P.A. Guidance Center. will keep on working on it’s mission to see this Peace and Prosperity equation© become a reality in our world. Seeing that we don’t have (yet) all the answers on how to achieve this goal directly (without for example the installment of a global dictator), we embark on the mission of telling our story to you, from where we started, what we learned through all these years walking on this Earth learning about life and to even how the founder of T.C.P.A. Guidance Center. got to that Peace and Prosperity-Equation©.
If you want to see one of the first projects done, before this new mission of T.C.P.A. Guidance Center. to write a series of books, check out www.adviceonspirituality.com to see one of the first projects done. This project was terminated mid process, and the website was due cost reason even brought offline. But the website is back online, but please be aware, that it will only be back online for your viewership, but no work will be done on it. The first project, which was a social (media) project, which was called “The Mirror”, will be featured in a book that will be published when done.
If you’re interested to take a peak at the planned titles for the books in the making, check out this blog: https://www.tcpaconsultancy.com/blog/life-formula.
Evolution can’t be forced, it’s grown - Alvin Leito -
Can you donate to a good cause, to help with the funding for a new social-capitalistic startup helping to create a much better world for the collective?
Via Bank Transfer:
T.C.P.A. Consultancy
Bielsenstraat 12
2316 KA Leiden
ABN IBAN: NL16 ABNA 0587264365
Contact: Alvin Leito
You can also donate in Bitcoin, Ethereum, DigiByte, USDCoin, Komodo, Doge, Reddcoin or XRP.
At this moment publicly the startup can only work on its immaterial goals, with funding (or of course with a big donation) we can also publicly start executing on our material goals.
If you want more information first, just send a message or e-mail!
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All donations will go towards the realisation of the 1001 Year Plan. Starting with the incorporation of Tiiendemanns Group (TDG) and the launch of the sustainability ecosystem called Viisiit.®, which has a service where Viisiitors collect reusable or recyclable materials from the homes and/or offices of our members, for which they get rewarded with ViisiitCoins. Members who participate in product introduction of sustainable products, services or experiences will also be rewarded with ViisiitCoins. Once established in the global market Viisiit.® will reward its members with a security-token that gives each member the chance to exchange security tokens for common share-certificates of the mother-company of Viisiit.®.
For inquiries about ownership of shares(certificates) in this new startup, you can mail directly to startup@tcpaconsultancy.com. Be aware a donation does not give you right to any share ownership, send an e-mail if you want to become an investor in Tiiendemanns Group.
See post for more info: https://www.tcpaconsultancy.com/blog/not-a-blog-last-announcement-for-these-blogposts-and-website