T.C.P.A. Consultancy*

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Please read the Terms and Conditions before ordering a session!

Placing an Order requires the unconditional acceptance by the Client of the applicability of our Terms and Conditions. It is the responsibility of the Client to read and understand the Terms and Conditions prior to placing an Order. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, do not register for the use of the Services and do not use the Website.

These Terms and Conditions govern the T.C.P.A. Consultancy’s proprietary personal (for consumers) and professional (for non-profits and for-profits organizations) service so that all of our Clients can get (one-time or longer term) guidance in holistically optimizing their operations towards a forward-looking win-win-win goal-oriented personal and/or professional focus.

How to proceed when you want to talk about your future (and your present) using the 5P-Formula as a compass

Step 1: Read the Terms and Conditions, and if you agree with all terms then go to next steps.

Step 2: Choose one or more question(s) that is now important in your personal or professional life that you would like us to reflect on during our first session.

Step 3: Choose how many minutes/hours you want to reserve for our first session. Minimum is 15 minutes and maximum is 90 minutes for the first session. Each reserved session block comes with 5 to 15 minutes free intake for a short introduction and explanation moment.

Step 4: Make a reservation using my Calendly-link and pay upfront for your (first) session.

Step 5: Depending your reservation, be on time for the video call or at the agreed meeting space for a face-to-face session.

My calendly-link and links with payment options can be found further below. If you plan to pay with crypto, send an e-mail to info@tcpaconsultancy.com with the amount of crypto you have send, conversion rate you’ve used, and the Calendly time-block you have chosen. 

Price per session - all prices are including VAT for consumers and excluding 21% VAT for professionals

A one (1) hour session costs € 289,-
Each reserved session block comes with 5 to 15 minutes free intake for a short introduction and explanation moment.


  • A minimum (introduction) session of 15 minutes costs € 72,
  • 30-minute session costs € 144,-
  • 45-minute session costs € 216,
  • one hour and 15-minute session costs € 361,-
  • 90-minute session costs € 433,-

What to expect from a session

Each session is unique, customized to your needs, however the goal for each session is that afterwards you can leave with a clear (short/long term) personal and/or professional action plan, and with enough (mental) tools you can use to be more confident in achieving your goals. In essence, you will need to be prepared to open up to help me help you and work together to make our planet a place present and future generations can be proud to be part of, and that starts with YOU!

Of course, how successful a 15-minute or even 90-minute session ends depends greatly on your understanding of the ideas linked to the 5P-Formula. The free intake time before each session starts is to assess your own understanding and views on the ideas contained in the 5P-Formula, whereafter you will always hear a personal assessment if it’s realistic that we can successfully conclude the session within the paid/reserved time.

You can click on the 3 links for extra information linked to the 5P-Formula, or check the images below the page.

Q: I can understand English but I feel more comfortable talking in a different language, is that possible?
A: Alvin speaks English, Dutch and Papiamento/u fluently, so the sessions can be done in any of those languages. Alvin does understand Spanish pretty well, but does have difficulties speaking it fluently, so if you prefer you could also speak Spanish with Alvin, but to keep things going he most of the time will speak English/Dutch back to you. 

Seeing that Alvin is currently the only person available who has complete understanding of the 5P-Formula, there’s unfortunately no other language option wherein a session can be done. 

Q: Can I get a refund if I don’t like the (first) session?
 As we’re working with the 5P-Formula of course if you have a valid reason you will get 100% refund back, minus eventual travel costs for face-to-face sessions. If you make a reservation for example for 90 minutes, and in the end we only use one hour and we both agree only 1 session is needed, then you will get the 30 minutes that’s leftover 100% refunded back, this is also valid for sessions with professionals.

Q: What if I don’t have an important question to ask for the (first) session?
A: Having a question beforehand is useful but not essential to complete a successful session. Having no questions but still ordering a session is remarkable in itself, so even if you don’t have a question, addressing that fact during a session might even trigger questions you didn’t realize was in you to find answers to. 

Q: What if I only ordered a 15 minute session, but at the end of it I would like for us to continue so that we don’t need to start back at square one in a next session?
A: As each session is unique, customized to your needs, we cannot predict beforehand how intense it will go for any of us. This is the reason that it doesn’t matter the length of the session that is reserved, there’s always standard a set amount of time reserved for the intake and extra time afterwards being reserved for me to eventually recalibrate myself before I can go interact with other people. There’s no guarantee that we can turn a reserved 15 minute first session into a 90 minute session, however, there will always be room to extend a session a bit longer if needed.

Although important for you to know is that, in the case we mutually agree to extend a session, you must pay for the (mutually agreed) extended time before we can continue the session. 

Q: What if I already know that we would need more than 90 minutes to deal with the (life/professional) questions I’m having?
A: I am indeed a psychologist, but I’m not a clinical psychologist. I majored in social and organizational psychology and I am not a therapist. My goal is not to have (prolonged) weekly sessions with you, but merely with the help of the 5P-Formula guide you to be able to use the (inner) tools you already have, or to explore with you the (inner) tools you can develop on your own or eventually with the help of other professionals, that will empower you and give you (more) confidence in pursuing the (life/professional) path you’ve chosen for yourself.

So, if you think you need more than 90 minutes, reserve and pay for your first 90 minutes and afterwards together we will see if you are right, and if so, how many more sessions we think would be needed to do the job. If in the rare case we conclude that there would need to be more than ten 90-minute sessions spread over multiple weeks/months, then there’s the possibility for you to buy a package of set hours with a discount on the standard hourly price.

However, an important aspect of each session is that they last for maximum 90 minutes (excluding the intake time). The idea of each session is that you can leave with a clear (short/long term) personal and/or professional action plan, and with enough (mental) tools you can use to be more confident in achieving your goals. If we get to 90 minutes in a session, what we discussed would need to be absorbed and pondered on before we can continue, while there’s always the possibility to plan another session soon after if you feel we need to dive deeper on some (personal) points/issues you’re having.

Q: Do you offer sessions for teams or multiple friends/family members at once? 
A: Maybe in the near future already, but probably more in the long term. For now, with the limited time I have, I focus only on individuals within each session. 

Nevertheless, I could give a talk or workshop for multiple people at once, but then the subject of these (paid) talks or workshops would be about the 5P-Formula, and I won’t be able to properly address individual (life/career) paths. So if you’re a business owner, ceo or (upper/middle) manager who would like a more direct guidance to implement the 5P-Formula into their business operations, for the time being we would need to do it through one-on-one sessions wherein you could purchase a package of a set hours for us to have ample time to discuss things in more details.

If needed and possible, we could also use hours in the package for me to do one or more in-house visits to follow and experience for myself certain aspects of your day-to-day operations. Also if needed, we could afterwards plan sessions wherein you invite one or more people to join us if we conclude their opinions matter significantly in your (in)ability to set your life/professional goals. 

Q: Do you accept payments in cash?
A: I can only accept cash payments for face-to-face sessions wherein you can pay with cash before start of the session. If you live in the EU and prefer to pay with direct bank transfer, you can send your payment to:

T.C.P.A. Consultancy

IBAN: NL16ABNA0587264365


Comment/subject: the calendly date/time block you have chosen