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Random chapter of the first book

With the first projects I started in 2011, I blogged on social media platforms, but also on the website I made then. After I started with my “offline experiment” I didn’t blog anymore, up until I started with the preparations for the new venture and found Steemit that I started blogging again.

For the new venture, I will need to have an active social media account, for which I chose LinkedIn as the social media platform to which I’ll become active for the Tiiendemanns Group on, so I already thought that on there I will combine the blogging with Steemit. But just realized now that I can also start blogging for T.C.P.A. Consultancy and the formulas here on the website. especially since I wanted to put a chapter of the first book on twitter for someone to read. I couldn’t upload a pdf file on twitter, but I can upload a pdf file on here.

So, what I will do now, actually feels very weird and definitely scary, because non of the books are done. And I don’t think that they will be finished next year or the year after that, so it will be some time before I publish the first series.

Because I’m writing this now, let me then tell you a bit about my plans with the books. As I already stated under the page of T.C.P.A. Guidance Center., I’m currently working on a series of books. They all have a different theme, the total amount is not important, but I will say that I’m working to first publish 3 at the same time.

The first one is called: I did nazi that coming – a book about free speech

The second one is called: The unsent letter to my grandfather – a book about living life

The third book, for that one, I cannot mention the title yet, but I can say that it won’t be first published in English, but in Dutch. The first two books, will be first published in English.

Why this is scary for me is because, this is the first time I am letting someone, anyone read a chapter of one of the books. Until now, only one single person has seen/read most of the titles, and that was a lawyer back in 2017. So, me giving you now 2 titles and the link to one of the chapter in the first book feels like taking my clothes of in public.

Especially since, the chapters written are not yet finished. As in, they are written, but not corrected and/or they are not in their last form. At the moment of publishing, they might change and/or I may delete or need to add some things, to either make them for example more understandable, or take unnecessary parts away.

I definitely would not say “be gentle” with your (eventual) feedback, but I will say please keep in mind that this is a first draft of the chapter. If you feel the need to give me a (direct) feedback, feel free and drop something in the message box, or send me an e-mail or tweet.


EDIT 10-10-2018: I couldn’t resist, I needed to go read the chapter again, and saw one grammatical mistake that needed to get fixed, and the conclusion needed some explanation. So, I uploaded a new version of the pdf. today 🙂

EDIT 17-06-2020: This year I decided to put my fears aside and just publish all titles of the books I’m currently working. In this new blog (https://www.tcpaconsultancy.com/blog/life-formula) you can see the picture of the titles. As you can see in the pic there are 10 titles written, but 11 numbers written. I am not trying to tease anyone here, other than those, I don’t have any other titles planned to go write, that space I actually left open for my “autobiography”. The thing is, how I currently feel (and felt when writing the number down), is that if there is ever a autobiography written about me, then I won’t be the writer of it myself. An autobiography is something personal and maybe when I’m older my feelings about this will change, so that’s why I have it open like that.

Lastly, in this first blog I published I didn’t want to publish the name of the 3rd book with the simple reason that I wasn’t prepared yet to “come out of the closet” that I feel like I’m a father (already) without having kids of my own to take care of. The reason why I don’t care for making the title public now is because I’ve been an official sperm donor since 2009 and even though I personally didn’t want to know, yet, I now know that I already have biological kids walking around in the world. I don’t have the right to ask for their personal data, so if they never come looking for me themselves, I will never get to see them. This is a rule that I knew existed before I started being a donor that I understand, accept and respect, but it can’t take the fact away that in some weird way I do feel responsible to make sure that not only my biological kids, but also every other kid in the world will grow on a planet that they can be proud of. I cannot in good conscience say that I am proud of how we treated the planet to get it into the state it is now, where we don’t know if in 20 to 50 years we will have lost so many species on the planet that whole ecosystems starts to die off, leading to the inevitable collapse of other ecosystems around the world. I cannot also in good conscious not do anything about this, so I work now to build, develop and grow a vehicle that will work both for people and planet. You won’t hear me ever say that I consider myself to be on the same level of “father” as the fathers that carry everyday (together with their partner(s) or alone) the responsibility to make sure one or more little person(s) don’t get themselves killed by accident, but I do feel the responsibility to do better for us now in the present and for us in the future and in that book I am going to write about this responsibility I believe we all have by being born humans.

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