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Sucking it up and just activate.

A couple of days ago I had a conversation with someone who wants to start a vegan restaurant, but wants to be (financially) ready before starting with at least the preparations. To which I said to said family member that you will never feel like you are 100% ready to start with a business and for most people it will be the case that they can never achieve the financial readiness to start a or the business that they believe is needed on the market. Starting with networking to meet people in the area/industry you want to enter and increasing your own knowledge that you need to go do what you are planning to go do, is more important than you yourself are 100% financial ready.

If banks or other financial institutions don’t want to help you and you need to find the help with private / governmental partners, then maybe you might need to be ready to change your plans and/or make more (financial) offers in the short/medium term, but starting and turning that revenue faucet on will attract those same banks and financial institutions that rejected you before, but then you’ll have the better bargaining position.

These are fundamental business lessons that I didn’t know when I started and took me some years to figure it out, because most business people don’t like to show their vulnerabilities. I personally am not afraid to show mine, because yes competitors can (try) to take advantage of that, but I strongly believe that in the end the help you will get from others negates this possible risk.

With the end of the year holiday season starting and people are starting to get bombarded with holiday ads to buy presents for themselves and/or others, remember honesty is the best present you can give another human being. If you need to save money for your business and you know someone is expecting a (costly) present from you, tell them the honest truth on why that can’t happen. Even if they are a child, but with a child you can give them a (for them amazing) experience playing and/or with a simple outdoor experience without it needing to cost any money, grown ups should be able to understand that real life doesn’t always give what our brains want.

So, always remember, even (in the future) when you get the chance to speak to a Viisiiter (to get your ViisiitCoin or other promotional rewards), you need to only say yes to buying a product because you really think you need or want it, or because you want to buy it as a gift to another person, because you think they want or need it AND you can afford it. If you can’t afford it you can honestly tell the Viisiiter that or you can just say no or pass!

As cheesy as it may sound to wish you a happy and fulfilling holiday season, not only for myself, but I’m saying this also for both T.C.P.A. Consultancy and the whole team of Tiiendemanns Group and Tiiendemanns Intellectualis Proprietas B.V., I do wish on behalf of all of us that you can start your 2019 with the energy to end it even better than you did when it started!


P.S: For the three nice ladies I met yesterday evening at the @Lisk event in The Hague, and to especially the one that asked me why I gave her a sticker of Viisiit., without having a website where she could read about the services of Viisiit., thank you and you all inspired me to go make a separate Viisiit. website page here under the one of T.C.P.A. Consultancy. We didn’t exchange contact information, but hope this reaches you because after today or tomorrow you can go to https://www.Viisiit.com and read about the services of Viisiit.!

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