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The last blog on [the old] website – a blog about things happening now around the world and in my personal life

First of all, for the people who don’t yet personally know me, to me business is personal and cannot be detached from my personal life, because it is my personal life. Many people can disassociate themselves from their work life because they work to get a paycheck and if the working relationship ends, it won’t substantially affect their personal life afterwards because nothing of the company they are working for belongs to them.

I created the Peace and Prosperity-Equation and the 5P-Formula, there’s no end to that, it’s there and it now belongs to life. I believe that anyone who breaks the principles contained in the 5P-Formula will always get metaphysically fucked with the chance to also get physically fucked. Because I came up with them, I believe that if I break them I will get both double fucked metaphysically and physically for sure. These formulas belong to my pass-through company (so legally I personally own them) and the way I chose to monetize them is not by selling my time/body to clients consulting them about their inner workings of their organization (or personal life), but instead take the responsibility to build a company that by statutes adheres to these principles.

One can argue that my brainstorming, researching, planning and testing phase to start this company took too long. To that I can only say that I would’ve also preferred to having started what feels like a long time ago for me too, but the lessons learned and the connections made for (future) partnerships are priceless. My government does not let me take those schooling costs as business costs and be discounted from the incomes, but even then, they are investments made that will pay back a multiple down the line.

If you take a look at the current state of the world, there’s people that thinks that these formulas are useless because there’s no consequence to breaking them. And then, there’s people, like me, who knows (or believes) that these formulas are life truths and breaking them sooner or later ends badly for the ones who break them.

A few days ago I tweeted about a new way of playing poker that I called “Dutch Joker Poker” and how I was feeling about the (Russian -) Ukrainian war. In the first tweet you see 2 screenshots with information about Dutch Joker Poker that I will add at the end of this blog.

1st of 3 tweets tweeted on @alvinleito

In the screenshot contained in this tweet below you can read how I feel about Putin and Russia in general, but in essence, the tweet itself explains succinctly why I think now needs to be done. The war Russia started in Ukraine means that we all need to step up out of our comfort zones even more and make efforts towards the rebuilding of Ukraine. What’s not implicitly stated is that we also need to not be complicit in any way to helping Russia to fund their war, but luckily even corporations like Deutsche Bank came to understand this.

This is to me where the 5P-Formula becomes crucial and where a lot of companies still go bust and break adherence to the principles, because for example, did the companies who said they stopped doing business in Russia, is that only publicly or also privately? Are they still accepting money from their old Russian clients, and even worse “under the counter” also from new customers/clients? How principled are these companies towards eliminating war on this planet and not still want to profit somehow from war?

I know that in the history of mankind there has been many instances where organizations, through its people managing it, broke the trust of their customers just to earn more money. Even when Putin surprised me with his greed for control of more land on this planet and his thirst for violence, I refuse to become cynical and doubtful if humanity will accept each other and start working together for the benefit of each and every single human being and our co-habitants on this planet. So yes, at this moment, even when Deutsche Bank first made a different decision, I gave them the benefit of the doubts that they are not just doing it “for the show”.

2nd of 3 tweets tweeted on @alvinleito

From first hand experience I know how difficult it is for people / organizations to resist the temptation of making (lots of) money even when it would hurt other people. Mostly it is by doing “small” things like embellishing things or even flat-out lying to potential clients/customers just to close a deal, or taking bonuses or even free milk away from employees in a financially healthy company purely for financially cosmetic reasons. I don’t know how frequent bigger things happen that break the 5P-Formula like stealing IPs from people / other companies, or extremer acts like war profiteering, but I’m confident that in the future even those “small” things people / organizations do that breaks the 5P-Formula will become much rarer.

I don’t dare to say that those negative-egotistical actions by bad actors will become non-existent on our planet just yet, simple because I doubt that it will happen in our lifetime (this including the lifetimes of Gen Z’ers and Gen C’ers). The positive thing is that I don’t believe that we need 100% of the people adhering to the principles in the 5P-Formula to reach a state wherein our planet will have Peace and Prosperity for everyone. It is just that as long as we’re not at 100% of people having the integrity to adhere at all times to the principles, our planet will have a weak link in its chain that create a vulnerability towards falling back into war and eliminating the Prosperity build over time.

3rd of 3 tweets tweeted on @alvinleito

We are a long way before reaching a state wherein everyone feels they are living on a prosperous planet. The famine in Yemen is a sad example of that and the war in Ukraine is a disheartening example of why we cannot be proud of ourselves for being able to say that we live on a peaceful planet.

Personally, I don’t let these disappointments stop my fight because I know the majority of people crave love more than violence and hate. That’s why, as I said in that first tweet, a video of a lady playing the violin underground in Ukraine where people were sheltering from the Russian bombs above, made me realize that I too shouldn’t postpone the launch of Dutch Joker Poker because of the war. I hope nobody ever needs these cards of Dutch Joker Poker to entertain themselves during a war, but I certainly hope that these cards can be enjoyed by many during the time that people will have completely forgotten how wars feels.

The concept of the Kickstarter page is already done, only I can’t publish the link publicly yet because I still need to formalize some partnerships and confirm the retail price of the different card decks. Follow me and connect with me on social media to be informed about the launch date, etc.

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