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The new beginnings in life

Recently I’ve lost something that many would now consider of having a priceless value, 1000’s* of hours of work “digitalizing “ the 1001 Year Plan and my archive of the interesting, useful tips and ideas gathered since I bought this iPad I’m using to type this blog. This loss was because of an utterly dumb move on my part by deleting an app that wasn’t responding with the intention of installing it backup, which was also the app that was storing all these documents, while knowing that there was no back-up and most documents couldn’t so weren’t being automatically saved on iCloud.

I’m not gonna put the name of the app, because even though it was malfunctioning, there is a chance that if I didn’t delete it it could’ve somehow resetted itself and I still would’ve had all my documents today. But, you also won’t hear me promoting this app because that you can loose all your files in 2021 without a warning beforehand doesn’t give me much trust that something like this somehow can’t happen again with their app. So a reminder for anyone that needs it is thus, make regular back-ups of your important files and if possible, combine that with more cloud usage too.

The only reason why I’m not freaking out for what happened is because of the important files I digitalized for the 1001 Year Plan, all were created first using pen and paper and those “offline” files I still have. Also, the most crucial documents I fortunately shared with my team members so we still have copies of those. More importantly, best that it happened now, while we’re still not fully operational than when we’re already fully operational because now we can take extra measures within our team that prevents such events from ever being able to happen again.

In life most memorable events that we internalize are when we loose something or someone. Even during life’s great memorable events like e.g. anniversary and wedding parties, a lot that will afterwards be discussed are the bad things that happened there, or another way of putting it is when a good moment was lost. Such events can create moments in life where many people go to reevaluate the situation they’re in, the person they are or who they have become, the people they interact with, etc.. When you think about this, you’ll realize that such deep reevaluation moments rarely come when things are going good, because when you feel that things are going good you’re just chasing the next score or just living to keep the status quo.

You can say that I’m writing this blog not only for it to act as a reminder to anyone who needs to check if they have a back-up of what they deem important to have, but also to act as a reminder to anyone who needs to “hear” these life truths (again);
– Losses don’t make you a loser, only the actions you take can make you a loser
– If you feel like a loser, so long you’re alive you can do something about it and remember that feelings are not always truths
– Making mistakes can never make you a loser, not accepting or lying about your mistakes always makes you a (sore) loser

Life is a continuous series of new beginnings. Even death which belongs to life is a moment of new beginning for someone. If you’re an atheist you can see the latter in a literal sense, as in, that persons body started a new process of decomposition and (most people) will eventually fully disintegrate again into the natural world. If you’re religious or spiritual, death means the beginning of the reunification with the universal energy, where some religions and spiritual people believe the reunification of the universal energy means a new opportunity to enter the natural world again with a new mission of existence.

I want to end this blog with a personal question to you: are you a person that fills your life with the memories of your losses, or are you a person that lives life enriching yourself with the lessons of the opportunities given with the new beginnings?


P.s: I’ve put a link to the Tiiendemanns Group page hereunder for the people who want to get more information about the 1001 Year Plan!

*In the first version of this blog I wrote 100’s of hours, only if you take all the work that went into creating the documents that I’ve lost, it’s fairer to say 1000’s of hours than 100’s of hours, even though there are 100’s of hours in 1000’s of hours.

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