Tiiendemanns Group
Creating the next transgenerational global social-capitalistic (for-profit) organization, while helping to bring (and afterwards help keep) Peace and Prosperity in the World, step by step
*This landing page of Tiiendemanns Group (TG) is build, and for the time being parked, under the website of T.C.P.A. Consultancy, the pass-through company of the founder of TG.

Founder of Tiiendemanns Group - Alvin Leito


Tiiendemanns Group explained in more details (BE AWARE: THIS SECTION BELOW MAY CONTAIN OUTDATED INFORMATION)
Tiiendemanns Group* is a vehicle designed to work for people and planet by introducing new social-capitalistic business models to the world like e.g. a smart sustainability ecosystem that earns its income by also being an innovative product introduction service called Viisiit.® and a new physical (precious) metals playing chip called PreciousChips®, which latter is designed to bring ownership of significant amounts of precious metals within reach of almost anyone.
These social-capitalistic business models are designed to create profit for the stakeholders and shareholders of the Tiiendemanns Group by tackling and helping to solve on the long term a few SDG’s (Sustainable Development Goals).
Tiiendemanns & SDG’s
TG was founded as a for-profit organisation but focusses on providing significant benefit to people and planet alike. The company was in fact developed without prior knowledge of these SDG’s but by default our principals guided us to match most of the 17 SDGs automatically. We have extended our focus on these goals to support more SDG benefit from our operations.
Shareholders of the Tiiendemanns Group agree that stakeholders’ welfare is as important to them as their own. They are happy to see their resources support the creation of services and products that benefit People and Planet, for the mutual benefit of all.
Practically speaking, the Tiiendemanns Group is the company responsible for materializing and to monetize all IP’s by doing the eventual R&D’s and bringing them to market. The name of the 1001 Year Plan only reflects the believe in that being successful will make the Tiiendemanns Group become one of the transgenerational global for profit organizations that will be in perpetuity working for people and planet.
We also believe that we can only become successful when we take working for people and planet a serious business from the very start, and, only when we do this step by step. The practical first step for Tiiendemanns Group is launching PreciousChips® with Viisiit.® as its main marketing and sales vehicle in the Netherlands first.
All IP’s described in the 1001 Year Plan, including PreciousChips®, our new physical (precious) metal chips and Viisiit.®, our new product introduction platform have as business model the monetization of helping to solve one or more SDG’s, both directly and indirectly. This is the reason why we can say that Tiiendemanns Group as a whole will work to help achieve 6 of the SDG’s directly & the rest of the 17 SDG’s indirectly.
The 6 SDG’s that we help tackle directly with the whole Tiiendemanns Group are:
(To directly invest into these objectives.)
#8: Decent work and economic growth
#10: Reduced (wealth- & income) inequality
#11: Sustainable Cities & Communities
#12: Responsible Consumption & Production
#16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies
#17: Partnerships for the goals
The 11 SDG’s that we help tackle indirectly with the whole Tiiendemanns Group are:
(Supported as a bi product of TDG success, way of working with the 5P-Formula© and through investments in partnerships with organizations tackling these social issues challenges directly)
#1: No Poverty
#2: Zero Hunger
#3 Good Health & Well-being
#4: Quality Education
#5: Gender Equality
#6: Clean water and Sanitation
#7: Affordable and Clean Energy
#8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
#9: Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure
#13: Combat Climate Change & its Impacts
#14: Life below Water
#15: Life on Land
The deadline that the UN set for the SDG’s is for them to be achieved in 2030, and it is naive to believe that we can eliminate for example all poverty in the world by then, but uniting forces we can come close. Viisiit.® is a vehicle that for example indirectly helps with SDG #1, by directly working on helping to solve SDG #10 by among other things, also directly working on solving SDG #8 these coming decades.
Viisiit.® is in essence a human powered communication platform that will eventually bind itself with a digital platform, where in the future even consumers together with organizations can use Viisiitors to introduce to potential customers (Welcomers) to what they are offering, or to just spread some awareness about their product, service or experience, but also (good) causes.
More information about Tiiendemanns Group and the SGD’s we work to help solve will be given when the official website of the Tiiendemanns Group goes online.
* Our startup is called Tiiendemanns Group because we start as one team working under different legal entities to e.g. protect the IP’s from the operational business side and so that we can create the framework to give a portion of the shares of the Tiiendemanns Group in the future to the global population.
The Tiiendemanns Group is the first company in the world that integrated the 5P-Formula© in its founding statutes. This legally binds the company and especially the management team to the 5P-Formula© together with its 12 principles contained in it.
The 5P-Formula© will thus guide our decisions and the more organizations start using it the faster we all can work together to achieve the mission to establishing peace and prosperity for all here on earth.
The 5P-Formula©

The mission and vision of Tiiendemanns Group
All services and products we introduce to market needs to work towards our mission, and together with this, all entities are also guided by the 5P-(Management Principles and Philosophy-)Formula©, which is the tool that we believe we need to use as a company to also help us work towards achieving our goals and mission.
Our mission tells us thus what all the products and services we introduce to the world needs to be able to do (help establish Peace and/or Prosperity).
All the products and services we introduce to the world needs to facilitate the process of reaching to a point where no human being in civil society needs to distrust anyone and everyone can travel and walk freely in every corner of the world that is destined for humans.
Because you cannot force peace, but peace is a choice each individual needs to consciously choose for, our focus ourselves is on the services and products taken to market based on our corporate road map designed by the founder of Tiiendemanns Group, called the 1001 Year Plan, which is divided in four sub phases.
The name of the plan only reflects the believe in that being successful will make Tiiendemanns Group become one of the transgenerational global for profit organizations that will be in perpetuity working for people and planet.
The founder will be personally responsible for the whole execution of the first sub phase called the 15 Year Plan.
We also believe that we can only become successful when we take working for people and planet a serious business from the very start and only when we do this step by step. The practical first step for Tiiendemanns Group is launching PreciousChips® with Viisiit.® as the main marketing and sales vehicle for PreciousChips® and other (paying) advertisers, starting in the Netherlands.
Our vision is to be offline and online the most trusted brand promotor, brand connector and brand producer to every individual and organization in the world.
We believe that as a global society we can reach the point where we all can look each other in the eyes and say we live on a planet where Peace and Prosperity exists for everyone here on earth. These are big words and an immense goal and we tell you this to create awareness, but our focus is starting small and to take connecting with the real you and building this trust literally step by step.
We envision a world where humans have given the majority of the land and water mass to nature and we humans have become the best thing that happened to the planet.
The More Wild Animals Foundation will have as goal to help achieve this and when you buy a case or box of PreciousChips®, 51% of the profits will go to the More Wild Animals Foundation. This is on top of the 5% of the common shares of the Tiiendemanns Group that will be given to this foundation.
Furthermore, in the future we will also incorporate Connecting Foundation which will have as goals to help other charities with their missions and to help them optimize the process of onboarding volunteers, and also to specifically help charities give orphans a loving home and hopeful future. For funds this foundation will receive 51% of the profits of Viisiit., on top of the 5% of the common shares of Tiiendemanns Group that will also be given to this foundation.
For us it does not matter if we are successful in visiting every single household and organization in the world at least once first (counting the households and organizations that where registered on January 1st of that year), or if peace and prosperity for all here on earth comes first, because when there is peace and prosperity here on earth it will be for all Viisiitors all around the world much more fun to go visit Welcomers at their homes and workplaces everyday.
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The full-length corporate mission of Tiiendemanns Group
Our eternal two main missions are; to connect with the real you & helping to establish peace and prosperity for all.
Being a team member of Tiiendemanns Group means:
We don’t work for ourselves. We work for our collective children around our world. So, we will work hard and will complain only to improve ourselves and others. We will need to work hard, because all children anywhere in the world needs a safe and (biodiverse rich) world, and the collective grownups anno 2020 are still taking the world in the other direction of an unjust and empty World full of only man made things.
(( Respect ≥ Freedom ) ≥ ( Peace ≥ Prosperity ))
That is the Peace and Prosperity Equation©
That is a philosophical doctrine on how to achieve and keep global Peace and Prosperity, an equation designed by the founder of Tiiendemanns Group to which all companies in the Tiiendemanns Group needs to uphold.
Each team member has the freedom to do whatever they like in their own lives, but working for and representing one of the companies in Tiiendemanns Group means not letting the company break this doctrine.
As a company, we can only directly contribute on seeing that the things being made, only in turn, contribute to the first two points mentioned in the second paragraph here above, that being, for a safe and ecologically sound world. Indirectly, we can contribute by making sure our actions help reverse the trend of unjust-fullness and social- & biodiversity degeneration.
Safe is for us not a code word for Peace, but without Peace there cannot be safety. Just like it is our company’s believe that without global Prosperity there cannot be (lasting) Peace.
Achieving global Peace should not only be a collective goal, but also needs to be a perpetual human endeavor, because when we get it, we could also lose it.
The answer to why a company chose as its external mission global Peace and Prosperity?
Because, Peace thus equals eventual (global) Prosperity and safety to conduct business all around our world, which in turn will make all our stakeholders and shareholders very very happy.
But that does also mean that our stakeholders and shareholders cannot ever truly be happy before world Peace is achieved and our shareholders and stakeholders will lose that happiness all over again, if world Peace is lost again.
Achieving Peace does not equal banishing all pain and suffering. Even in a Peaceful world natural catastrophes could still occur, because (natural) tragedies are a part of life, just like breathing is.
Fact is, that we all can work together to not only make them scarce around our globe, by for example, not being the ones starting them, but also to work together to help each other lessen the pains when one does happen. With our collective minds and hands put together, there will not be much we cannot achieve.
Our internal mission “connecting with the real you” can be simply explained. We do not dislike technology, it is certainly handy and makes life easier, but we do at least like you better and most importantly, even in a digital world, we do not want to get to know you only through the devices you use. We want to get to know the real you, without a digital lens between us and we want to connect with the real you. Our services and products are there to serve your needs, either for your business(es), the places you call home, for your private life or pleasure.