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Whitepaper for the Tiiendemanns Group

The pre-private sale of the ViisiitCoin already started about 5 1/2 hours ago, so the whitepaper already had to be published. As it was better to give you a complete and well written whitepaper, instead of one finished on time, but incomplete and filled with mistakes, the choice was made to publish the whitepaper later. But even though, I’m saying it myself now, it’s well worth the delay.

For the people that already read the last version of the whitepaper Chris and I wrote, don’t expect to read the same story when you start with this one. Eventhough both whitepapers talk about the same blockchain, they explain the plan in two very distinct way. The first one explained the starting journey through the point of view of Viisiit. and the ViisiitCoin. This whitepaper explains the start of the journey through the point of view of the 1001 Years Plan. The plan of which both Viisiit. and the ViisiitCoin belongs to.

With full disclosure, this is version 0.9.9c and not version 1.0, because there are still a couple of people that need to give their last opinion on the document. There are graphic designers working their magic on it, as we’re speaking, to deliver the final product. So, for now it’s only pure text, with just the logo’s in the document. To not let you wait on that process, I decided to publish this version of the whitepaper in the mean time.

Edit: Because I couldn’t complete this on LinkedIn, let me mention this here:
I really need to give a very special thanks to Chris (van Maarseveen), because without him, this whitepaper would have looked totally different, and I need to admit, not necessarily for the better. He was also the one that suggested that I needed to make 2 whitepapers, one especially for the Tiiendemanns Group / the 1001 Year Plan, and one specifically for Viisiit. / ViisiitCoin. The whitepaper we started was also the one specifically for Viisiit./ViisiitCoin, but that became a +60 pages (with only words) document, because I couldn’t just mention those projects without mentioning the 1001 Year Plan, because the ViisiitCoin is intrically linked with the ViisiitCoin, through the ViisiitToken (and Viisiit.). So it was hard and I know I made Chris very frustrated with all the extra information in that document that he didn’t see the point in mentioning, but without that exercise/experience, this whitepaper we’re publishing now, couldn’t have been made.

So it was after receiving more feedback from other people that couldn’t understand and/or couldn’t go through reading not even the half of that document, I needed to evaluate the strategy of starting with a whitepaper for Viisiit. / ViisiitCoin, and realized that Chris was right, in that I also needed to make a whitepaper for the 1001 Year Plan. More importantly, I realized that that is also the whitepaper that the Tiiendemanns Group needs to start with. Because participating in the dICO/STO of the ViisiitCoin, even during the pre-private and private sale, means helping the Tiiendemanns Group, with the 1001 Year Plan out. That most of the money we raise will eventually go to Viisiit. is important, but not the most important thing to start explaining.

This would be the context of the whitepaper that you can download here under and we’re definitely curious to hear your thoughts and/or your interests in this project!

On behalf of the whole Tiiendemanns Group team,


EDIT July 16th 2019: Because I’ve already made this blog, let me keep it, but for the time being, I do need to take the whitepaper away. It was in my eyes already perfect, but most people found it too long to read and with too much new information and not entirely properly structured. Seeing that I’ve canceled the pre-private sale until further notice and the road map in here had too much details in it, with the intention to show the “ if potential”, but this too confused a lot of people, so taking the whitepapers offline, until further notice too.

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