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Why Dutch Joker Poker?

Even if you are a poker expert, playing Dutch Joker Poker makes the game more challenging because this game forces you to “play the players” much more and you cannot only rely on “playing the odds” to win the game.

Playing Dutch Joker Poker may make the game end faster than a regular game of poker with one winner. This latter idea is only theoretical and hasn’t been proven with enough data. What is a proven fact, is that by playing Dutch Joker Poker, you need to train your poker face and you need to train yourself in remembering all the rankings. So if you are a novice poker player, the latter will help you remember the hand rankings without needing a cheat note on the side. The rarer hands, like a Four-of-a-Kind or a Straight Flush, appear more often during a Dutch Joker Poker session.

Three of the Jokers (White Wim, Red Rick and Black Berry) are mischievous and sneaky. They love to be inconspicuous and to blend in with the other cards. Therefore, they have the same backside color as the 52 numbered cards in the deck. However, the other three Jokers (Orange Willem, Purple Peter and Blue Bas) are loud and proud, and not afraid to show themselves. The backsides of their cards have a different color than the rest of the cards in the deck. Hence the reason why with Dutch Joker Poker you need to train your poker face when you decide to play with one of the Jokers with a different color backside than the rest of the cards.

Template of the flyer for the promotion of the Kickstarter campaign, design by Matthijs Lutter aka BYMANGO.

The essence of Dutch Joker Poker

To start playing Dutch Joker Poker, or DJP for short, you need a particular deck of cards. An official Dutch Joker Poker deck is special, because it has 58 cards in it, and is unequivocally carbon-neutral. There are 52 numbered cards, and then there are 6 Jokers, all with different colors, names and ranks.

All Jokers can become all cards. However, the different kinds of Jokers are ranked from most important to least important. In order to play the game, you need to know the ranks of the Jokers.

Template of all 6 Jokers, design BYMANGO

How to play Dutch Joker Poker?

Before you can start with Dutch Joker Poker, the players have to decide how many Jokers they want to play with. This has to be a minimum of three Jokers, and a maximum of all six. The players also have to choose which poker variant they want to play. Examples of possible types of poker are Texas Holdem, Omaha or the 7-Card stud.

You can play Dutch Joker Poker with any poker variant. Just know that in Dutch Joker Poker, there are some rules that are different and valid in any of the versions of poker that you choose to play. Important in the choice of the number of Jokers is that your choice always has to include Orange Willem.

Commitment to our planet for each Dutch Joker Poker card deck that is bought

It is important for Dutch Joker Poker to strive to be net positive. Our planet desperately needs trillions of trees and bushes to be planted to help absorb all the CO2 that we are emitting as people, and, most importantly, to provide biodiverse habitats for our co-habitants on this planet.

In this day and age, there are dozens of companies selling products and services worth hundreds or even thousands of dollars, while promising to plant one tree per purchase. However, organizations like Trees for the Future can already help farmers and communities around the world, and they are able to plant one tree: all for $0,25 per tree. Knowing this, consumers should realize how absurd it is in most cases to only plant one tree per sold product or service, if said product or service is worth so much more.

When companies give the impression of being very environmental-friendly, for example by donating one tree per sold product or service, this is called green washing. Green washing is a huge problem nowadays.

Dutch Joker Poker was initially designed with the intention of being a fun and more challenging way to play poker. However, taking Dutch Joker Poker as a carbon-neutral product that strives to be net-positive not too long after it goes to market, is also meant to raise awareness for the green washing caused by companies offering to plant for example only one tree, while filling their pockets with ridiculous markups on their products and offerings.

Template of the backside of the ranking cards which has a message about our commitment to the environment, design BYMANGO.

Why now?

For the ones who personally know me or who have been following me on social media, know that for a couple of years already I’ve been building Tiiendemanns Group and Viisiit. and I’ve been focusing on obtaining the starting capital to be able to incorporate the entities and start the revenue generation of Viisiit.. So I can imagine for the people who don’t know me, starting now with Dutch Joker Poker may seem as pivoting or even a distraction of the bigger goal.

I can assure you that none of that is true because starting with Dutch Joker Poker was always my intention, however, the timing of it got pushed forward for multiple reasons. On the kickstarter campaign (that you can check out here) you can read more about the “origin” story of Dutch Joker Poker, and in this blog I want to tell you a more personal story.

Last year I published a blog online, communicating that I had lost all the files that I was storing on my Readdle-app. This app was not automatically stored to iCloud. At the end of the year, the tax authority in my country contacted me to go audit the books of my pass-through company. It turned out that I had made some mistakes in my financial administration. As a consequence, I had gotten money that I had no right to, which I now need to pay back.

I was open and honest with the tax auditor about my situation. I have learned that people and organizations might try to (negatively) benefit from your openness and candor. However, I have also learned through years of experience that if what you are saying is truthful, your openness and candor can never hurt you. In this case, I wasn’t hiding anything and I was telling the truth about what happened. Therefore, the tax auditor didn’t give me a fine, only a warning to do better next time.

She did ask me a question. While going through all of my ideas, she asked me why I never started selling the game that I came up with: Dutch Joker Poker. I didn’t’ really have an answer to her question. I could only tell her why I stopped with the idea of Dutch Joker Poker and that I had put it on the backburner, but not why I still hadn’t given people the opportunity to play it. This is when I decided to start the Kickstarter campaign, to start working on my personal cashflow position.

I am telling you this story, to explain that actually it was this negative situation that sparked Dutch Joker Poker back to life. That tax audit is the reason that I am presenting this new card game, Dutch Joker Poker, to the world, a game that lets you play your favorite style of poker game with a twist, which makes the game fun and (even) more challenging. And, it is because of my commitment to the world and to what I’m doing for Tiiendemanns Group that the only way I would bring this game to market is if it doesn’t damage the world in any way for being produced.

I dare to say that it is for legal reasons we aren’t publicly saying in our promotion for the cards that it is a net-positive product, because in The Netherlands when you make such claims to consumers you need to be able to back it up with actual data, of which is very costly to calculate and administrate. That is why saying that Dutch Joker Poker is carbon-neutral is taking the safest road because only with all the trees we donate to be planted is more than enough to compensate for the natural damage of production and the CO2 emissions emitted during production and shipping of the cards through the whole supply chain. On top of the fixed amount of trees being donated to Trees for the Future per card deck sold, I also donate extra to Trees for All using a broad calculation of the CO2 emissions as official CO2-compensation for production and shipping.

So it’s obvious that when someone buys a card deck they contribute in taking more CO2 from the atmosphere than will be emitted by the production and shipping of the cards. When this can actually be backed with real data about our whole operation I would not hesitate to announce that Dutch Joker Poker became unequivocally net-positive!

Template of the front-side and backside of the “rules cards”, with the front-side of the ranking card, design BYMANGO

How to get a Dutch Joker Poker carbon-neutral deck of cards?

From 28th of November until 28th of December 2022 you can join our Kickstarter campaign and become a backer. During and after the campaign you can also (pre-)order one or more card decks, and even get one or more merchandises directly through our webshop: https://dutchjokerpoker.com.

The website is currently still under construction, if you want to take a peak, use the following password to enter: DJP

Template of a deck of card in the box with 5 of the Jokers, design BYMANGO

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