About Alvin

*T.C.P.A. Consultancy is my pass-through company. Under this website, besides the information given about the formulas, I have build and parked my online bio. Additionally, I have created several landing pages for Tiiendemanns Group and its products and services.
Full Name: Alvin Siegfried Leito
Official Title: Dhr/sr. drs. Alvin S. Leito, MSc
Date and Place of Birth: 4 November 1985 on the Dutch Antilles, Aruba
Nationality: Dutch / EU-Citizen (from birth)
Occupation: Activist Ecopreneur;
– Founder/CEO/President of Tiiendemanns Group (TDG)
– Managing Director of T.C.P.A. Consultancy & ACTIIVIITYS
– Managing Director and sole shareholder of Tiiendemans Intellectualis Proprietas B.V.
All these roles facilitate my work as a lobbyist for our planet and for the improvement of the living conditions of all creatures living on it.
From time to time I post blogs on: www.tcpaconsultancy.com/blog
After my studies of Public Administration and Psychology at Leiden University, my life purpose became to make the world a much better place for mankind and nature through my work as a social entrepreneur (aka activist ecopreneur). Since then I designed and created several IP’s that are now social-capitalistic companies (for the capitalists, yes, all still in pre-profitability phase). Through my social activism I succeeded in helping to put several social issues and policies on the (national and international) agenda. I still live in Leiden, however the startup that I am building, currently now with a small team consisting of mostly freelancers and partnered SME’s into a social-capitalistic global corporation, is headquartered in The Hague. Sustainability is very important to me and therefore all brands I start need to strive to eventually all be operating on a net positive basis.

Who is Alvin Leito? In bullet-points
- Involved with social organizations for over 20 years
- +15 years of experience managing, coaching and/or mentoring people
- +10 years of experience as an (activist) ecopreneur
- Helped directly and indirectly with putting several (social) issues on the local and global political agenda, which led to at least some of them being executed by Governments; one of my proudest impact & achievement is getting “honesty of politicians” on the (national/global) political agenda and making dishonesty a more serious issue that needs to be dealt with and eradicated within the global political establishment.
Created the following intellectual properties:
- The Peace and Prosperity-Equation© (www.peaceandprosperityequation.com)
- The 5P-Formula© (www.5pformula.com)
- The Life-Formula© and the Life & You-Formula©
The social-capitalistic business-model concept of Tiiendemanns Group (www.tiiendemanns.com), with the following services/products already mentioned publicly:
- Viisiit.®/© [Benelux name + logo trademark] (www.viisiit.com)
- PreciousChips®/© [Benelux name + logo trademark] (www.preciouschips.com)
- ViisiitCoin© [Benelux logo trademark]
- Dutch Joker Poker©** [Benelux logo trademark] (www.dutchjokerpoker.com)
- Travellingual©
**The copyrights of Dutch Joker Poker have been transferred over to ACTIIVIITYS, which is a tradename of T.C.P.A. Consultancy, my pass-through company. T.C.P.A. Consultancy was the original owner of this new way of playing your favorite type of poker and with this deal Tiiendemanns Group would still be able to produce “Dutch Joker Poker”-series of PreciousChips®

Short bio of Alvin
My love for organizations began when I was around 15 when I became active in the youth committee of the Arubian National Carnaval Foundation, the organization that is responsible for organizing the activities for the biggest annual event and financial contributor to the Arubian GDP. Then during my graduation from Leiden University back in 2011, my love for (communal & legal) organizations brought me to the idea to start my entrepreneurial journey. Afterwards I decided to start working to improve the workplace and living conditions for people as a management consultant and social activist.
It was during this time that I developed and tested (mostly on pro-bono basis) a management tool, called the 5P-Formula©. It acts as a decision-making framework to guide organizations into lasting sustainable profitable business-cycles. This experience led me to design and invest in the founding of Tiiendemanns Group so that I get the ability to show the world what it means for companies to work equally for their stakeholders and shareholders.
My belief (and I am sure if you do your own research, you too will come to this same belief) is that the causes of our environmental problems can be found in the social sphere. The easiest way to solve it is through top-down measures taken with e.g. regulations, taxation, innovation subsidies, etc. The most profound and permanent change can only be made through bottom-up lifestyle changes. My activism is to stimulate top-down change and my entrepreneurial focus with TDG and amongst others with Viisiit.® is to drive bottom-up changes.
More in depth information about myself and the businesses/projects I have build and done (and/or the projects my team and I are currently in the process of bringing to market) can be found down below the contact form.
If you do not want to read all of the texts and and just want to contact me directly, you can use the contact form. You just need to know that all messages send through that form reach the business inbox of T.C.P.A. Consultancy and no one other than myself has access to that inbox.
Contact form
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The longer story
I am the creator of the “Peace & Prosperity-Equation©”, the “5P-Management Principles and Philosophy-Formula©”, or “5P-(Management)-Formula©” for short. More recently, I also became the creator of the “1001 Year Plan”, the “Life-Formula© and the “You & Life-Formula©”. The first two formulas I created while working for the T.C.P.A. Consultancy. Once I started using the 5P-Formula© in my own life and for the T.C.P.A. Consultancy, along the way I started to feel that I should not be dependent on other people to show how the 5P-Formula© works in an organization. This feeling put the seed in my head to design what has now become the Tiiendemanns Group. It has brought me to design the pathway to growth of Tiiendemanns Group, what is now called the 1001 Year Plan.
The latter two formulas are the most recent formulas that I made and in essence they complete, secure and most importantly, explain the “back-end” of the Peace and Prosperity-Equation© and the 5P-Formula©. More information on the two formulas can be found on the tab on top of the website or by clicking on the menu (the three lines in the corner on top of the page).
My official title in Tiiendemanns Group is Founder, CEO & President. I am also the majority voting power holder in Tiiendemanns Holding B.V.(m)(f.t). In due time when we receive our starting capital need you will be able to read in more details about the structure of TDG and our short term and long term goals. Important to know is that we decided on this organizational structure so that the control of the IP’s is kept in the hands of the founding team, to better protect adherence to the overall mission and vision of TDG, while safekeeping our promise to the public that a significant portion of the profits of our companies will go to our charitable causes.
My personal medium term goal in life is to make Tiiendemanns Group become the first global corporation that officially recognizes publicly that it adheres to the 5P-Formula©, to which the public can hold it accountable too. So saying we are going to give significant (net) profits away to charities is not a gimmick or marketing trick. It is a conscious long term business strategy, which encompasses full transparency to the public and the responsibility of being accountable to the public for the promises we make too.
I am a “practice what you preach” type of guy. Also, the saying “do as I say, not as I do (which means do not blindly copy what I do, because for example, that may not be what your body needs or can handle)”, is something that may sound cliché, at least the first part is. However it strongly correlates with myself. To drop another saying on you, “I walk my talk”. This is because during the almost 4 decades now that I have been walking on this planet, even since I was a child, my curiosity for life has brought me many experiences and wisdom, mostly about people and our planet in general. It has also brought me a lot of wisdom about myself.
This is something I cannot change in me. It is also why I became a member of the liberal-progressive party (D66) in the Netherlands in 2010. I believe in Liberalism. For example, I know that I do things only because I have learned that they are good for my body and/or brains, but I also know that for another individual that may not be the case. So especially when we do not know each other, you will never hear me advocate “you must do this” with something concerning your body. I know that I can only ever advice you on things concerning your own body, not dictate. That is the essence of liberalism, personal freedom and self determination while working together with the freedom and self determination of another individual.
With all the experience and wisdom I have gathered during this time, I have also learned that there are still things that I do not know. Even about myself. And this is what I find truly interesting and exciting about life. I also strongly believe in the fundamental human rights of free speech and self-determination. Only with respect and openness towards each other, even to complete strangers, we, as a global society, will achieve the great leap forward, that hopefully most of us desire.
Brief life journey
I have lived on Aruba until I was 18 and early in my teenage years I started to be active for the Arubian community. Eventually I ended in the youth commission of the SAC, which was the NGO responsible for the Arubian Carnaval, an event that lasts every year at least 2 months on the island. It is one of the biggest economic contributors to the Arubian GDP. I also became one of the first Youth Council members. Later on I even went to sit on the first Board of the Youth Council, becoming Vice-Chair. After the Youth Parliament formed, I became the first President of the Youth Parliament on Aruba.
During that time I was finishing high school (VWO at the Colegio Arubano) and after I finished school, I went to the Netherlands to study Psychology. Then I studied Public Administration too and I am now officially docterandus in Psychology and Master of Science in Public Administration. One may say that I do not have a job directly linked to my diplomas. To that I say that the process of obtaining those diplomas has given me enough work- and life experience and extra knowledge about people and organizations in general, that made me confident enough to start the consultancies directly after my studies. I can definitely say that, even though I entered the studies with another expectation to what I would be doing right after finishing (because I was first planning on entering politics), I am very glad I pivoted in another direction because they (the journey and experience) have given me priceless life tools that I would not have been able to get otherwise.
The management consultancy was just called T.C.P.A. Consultancy at first and this was the company that was taking care of the business handlings of T.C.P.A. Guidance Center.. I then added the management in the name. Later I added the 5P-before the Management to better tell what we are about. The social consultancy was started as the second company, because I wanted to show which one had my priority, but also to show that they in fact were two separate operating entities, falling under one fiscal roof. The latter one, I definitely did not start with money in my head, and I did not even know how I will monetize it. I just knew that, and you could argue that it is because I decided not to enter the political arena I needed to have a vehicle to express myself. I cannot argue against that reasoning, because I did start T.C.P.A. Guidance Center. (was first written without the “dot”) with the clear intention of wanting to express myself and share the knowledge and experience I have gathered through the years, even as young as I was then and perhaps for some even still now.
So after university I became an independent management consultant, an independent social consultant and the de facto managing director of T.C.P.A. Consultancy, which later on became the house under which the two consultancies came to reside. During this time I came up with the (philosophical) idea that transformed into the Peace and Prosperity-Equation©;
( ( Respect ≥ Freedom ) ≥ ( Peace ≥ Prosperity ) )
This equation eventually created the 5P-Management Principles and Philosophy Formula©, which is a life advising guide with transforming guidelines in it. It is also a thought training system. By combining a philosophy, with a set of interconnected and inseparable principles, with a behavior focusing and attention steering molecule, you get a more practical guide for your organization (or life as a whole) that is fully based on the Peace and Prosperity Equation©. All of this combined changes your life and organization to work towards that goal, the collective living on this planet of ours. This in essence benefits us all. Concretely, the 5P-Formula© is a decision optimization tool to help you navigate your organization or your life on a sustainable long term pathway to healthy development and potential growth. Simply put, you can call the 5P-Formula© a “morality & integrity compass” for organizations or for your own life.
Having came up with what now is called Viisiit.® back in 2015, after having the desire to be responsible for an organization managed by the 5P-Formula©, I put the daily (monetizing) activities of the consultancies in the figurative fridge. I utilized its resources to first help me live and do personal research on venture and corporate structures, management, daily handlings. Then I tried to get my knowledge of global business management at the same level or higher as an average MBA graduate. Next, I divided my time into (market) research, coming up with concepts that the World and Global communities are in need of and designing the concept (with later help of experts in their specific fields) of the company structure. The overall business plan was encompassing the whole plan, broadly explained. The total details of the plan were only written on paper, with pen and crayons. The 1001 Year Plan is now a trade secret of the Tiiendemanns Group. Especially the future projects that need R&D will also stay for the most part written on paper, with pen and crayons until the funding to start with them has been found.
The 1001 Year Plan
Thus this all became the basis of the 1001 Year Plan, which is now housed under Tiiendemans Intellectualis Proprietas B.V., of which I am the founder, managing director and (still) only shareholder. This entity will sell the plan and all its IP’s to Tiiendemanns Holding B.V.(m)(f.t.), and the Holding will become responsible for the implementation and deployment of resources for the plan.
This entity will also hold a board seat on the Board of Directors of Tiiendemanns Holding B.V.(m)(f.t.), which as the entity responsible for the execution of the 1001 Year Plan will be bonded by a perpetual license agreement with Tiiendemans Intellectualis Proprietas B.V.. It has also taken the (perpetual) responsibility to bring the 1001 Year Plan to life and to take the responsibility to make sure that new future (project) planning and execution by one of its (sub-)subsidiaries do not disturb or jeopardize the long term goals and missions.
More info on this new venture can be found at:
www.tiiendemanns.com or click on the button below to go directly to the webpage
… and the journey continues
Can you donate to a good cause, to help with the funding for a new social-capitalistic startup helping to create a much better world for the collective?
Via Bank Transfer:
T.C.P.A. Consultancy
Bielsenstraat 12
2316 KA Leiden
ABN IBAN: NL16 ABNA 0587264365
Contact: Alvin Leito
You can also donate in USD Coin, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Komodo, Doge, Reddcoin, BinanceCoin or XRP. At this moment publicly the startup can only work on its immaterial goals. With funding (or of course with a big donation) we can also publicly start executing on our material goals.
If you want more information first, just send a message or e-mail!
Donate USD Coin (USDC) to this address:
Donate Bitcoin (BTC) to this address:
Donate Ethereum (ETH) to this address:
To donate Ripple (XRP), use this address:
To donate Komodo (KMD), use this address:
To donate DOGE (DOGE), use this address:
To donate BinanceCoin-BEP2 (BNB), use this address:
To donate Reddcoin (RDD), use this address:
Depending on the amount of donations received, donations could be converted in euro and will go towards payment of general business costs. If we receive for example in one time € 1 million worth of USDC, BTC, ETH, KMD, DOGE, RDD, BNB or XRP we will only convert € 350.000 worth in fiat and the rest we HODL. We might convert for example some of the USDC into other cryptocurrencies. The € 350.000 gets the entities we need incorporated and lets us start the revenue generation process, which gives possibility to attract other types of financing with banks and for example factoring loans fintech’s for the further expansion of the service. If need be in the future we will use what we are HODLing as eventual collateral for loans, as the aim will be not to sell any of the coins for at least 5 years, except maybe when converting USDC into other cryptocurrencies. We will resort to selling what we are HODLing only when it helps us close a next funding round.
For inquiries about ownership of shares(certificates) in this new startup, you can mail directly to startup@tcpaconsultancy.com. Be aware a donation does not give you right to any share ownership. Send an e-mail if you want to become an investor in Tiiendemanns Group.
TOTAL VALUE OF DONATIONS RECEIVED SINCE START: € 0 (since last checked, see post for more info: https://www.tcpaconsultancy.com/blog/not-a-blog-last-announcement-for-these-blogposts-and-website)